Chapter 65

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Ok, sorry everyone. Got caught up with something yesterday, but I finally managed to write this update by this afternoon. (My afternoon anyways)
Hope you guys enjoy it!

Nathan's POV

"I just don't see why one of us couldn't just stay at school and keep an eye on Sang," Nathan said, as he watched Sang and her aunt pull into the drop-off line in front of the school. He turned and looked at Kota. "Come on, I know you'll worry about her too, if she's all by herself in this awful school."

"Nathan, we have our orders. We are to follow her aunt around today, see if she's up to something and if so, maybe we can find out what it is."

"Yeah, I know," Nathan said as he turned his focus back to the car. He watched as the car pulled up close enough for Sang to get out. She stopped and turned back to look inside the car. He would have loved to have heard their conversation, but they hadn't had time to wire the aunt yet.

But they had wired Sang.

He pulled his phone out, but Kota reached over and plucked it from his hands. "Hey! I was going to use that."

"Yeah, I know," Kota replied, "but we don't need to listen in on all her conversations. We have to give her privacy. You know that."

"You can't tell me that you're not interested in hearing their conversations, too."

"Yeah, I'd like to know everything there was that was related to Sang, but I respect her enough not to listen in all the time."

"You do know North does it all the time, right? If he can, why can't I?"

"Nathan, I've had a talk to him about that. He knows he will get into trouble if he breaks that rule again."

Before he could reply back, Sang's aunt pulled out onto the road and headed in the opposite direction of her house. Kota waited until a couple more cars drove out of the school lane, before he pulled out and followed after the aunt's car.


Silas's POV

"North, what are you doing," Silas asked, as he straightened up in his seat. They were parked on a street, watching the house a few doors down. They were to watch who all went in and came out of the house, keeping a count of all the people, and watching for anything unusual that might happen. He had turned to ask North a question, only to see him on his phone. They were on an assignment and they were to only use their phones in an emergency.

"Did something happen," he asked when North didn't answer him.

North waved him off and turned away, putting his hand over his ear as if trying to listen to whoever was on the other line better. After a few minutes had passed, he hung up his phone. He turned back around.

"What what was all that about?"

"Sang's aunt is starting to become more of a problem by the minute. She's insisting on picking Sang up from school and she insisted on driving her there this morning. We might have a problem if she keeps forcing the issue. It sound's like she wants to keep Sang isolated, or as close to her as she can."

"Wait, you were listening in on Sang? You know what will happen when Kota finds out. You'll be grounded and won't have any contact with Sang for a month. Is that really a chance you want to take?"

"Si, she's worth it. I have to know she's safe. If I can't see or hear her, I panic. That is the only thing that's stopping me from practically moving her in with us. She's not safe."

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