Chapter 21

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The guys all talked at once. Mr Blackbourne shouted above them.

"Enough! Miss Sorenson, may I have a word with you in private?"

"Sure, Mr Blackbourne. We can go into the dining room," I said, turning to leave the room.

I don't know what the guys thought that they could do. They couldn't be with me 24/7. They all had their own families, plus the work they did for the Academy.

I walked into the dining room and took a seat at the table. Mr Blackbourne sat across from me.

"I wanted to ask you how you felt about all that has happened lately. I understand if you feel overwhelmed by the boys. Now that Mr Hades has appeared into the picture, I'm afraid the boys will just get worse," he said, looking at me.

Was I feeling overwhelmed by the guys?

"Mr Hades does make me uncomfortable, but I don't know what the guys think he will do. He used to work and date my aunt, and now he's my teacher. He probably just wants to talk to me about my aunt. I just don't want the guys to get into trouble over me."

"Miss Sorenson, I do not wish to alarm you, but Mr Hades's actions indicate that he wishes to talk to you, not find out information about your aunt. Why he wants to talk to you, I do not know yet. Until we find out just what he wants from you, it would be in everyone's best interest to allow the boys, Dr Green, and myself to help you at school and at home.

"When the boys first joined, the Academy required us to put up security cameras in the boys homes, for the boys own safety. I know that might sound unnecessary, but hear me out.

"Since we can not be here 24/7, the camera would allow us the ability to see if you were in trouble. They would not be on all the time. We would set up a code and if the code was not answered on time, we would look through the cameras and check that you are alright. That would allow us the ability to focus on our job, while also protecting you. The choice is yours to make."

I took a couple minutes to think about all Mr Blackbourne had said, but I already had my answer.

"Mr Blackbourne, I'll do whatever you think is necessary. I want to help out the guys just as much as they want to help me. Although I don't agree that Mr Hades is a danger to me, I'll go along with whatever the plan is, to put the guys at ease."

"Thank you, Miss Sorenson," Mr Blackbourne said, giving me his millimeter smile. "Before we join the boys, I do believe Dr Green would like to have a word with you. Would you like to speak to him now, privately?"

"Now would be fine," I replied.

What did Dr Sean want to talk to me about?

Mr Blackbourne gave a slight nod before standing and walking out the door.

Soon I heard footsteps, then Dr Sean appeared in the doorway. He came over and sat in the chair on my right.

"Miss Sang, I wanted to speak to you about a couple things. Now, you don't have to agree with anything I suggest, but what I ask you to do is all strictly medically related," he said, his voice serious.

This wasn't flirty Dr Sean, this was Dr Green in doctor mode.

"Ok, Dr Green."

"First off, I would like to get a blood sample from you. No one but me would have access to it, and I would get rid of all evidence related to the blood and my findings. I would like to study it and also, to rule out a couple things.

"The second thing I would like from you is to have you come to the hospital, to have a full check up done. Not by me, of course, but by a fellow female doctor. I would, however, like to run some test to check your endurence levels. I would have the others help me out with most of the tests.

"Since you are the first vampire we have ever heard about, and no one has any information about vampires, the blood sample and tests would help all of us learn more. Does all that sound ok to you?"

There was a lot to think about, on top of all the things Mr Blackbourne had brought up earlier. I could understand where Dr Green was coming from, though. I too wanted to know all I could about myself and other vampires. Plus, all the things Dr Green wanted from me made sense. As long as no one got a hold of the blood sample, or Dr Green's findings, it should be fine.

"That all sounds fine, Dr Green. When would you like to start?"

Dr Sean reappeared as he gave me a flirty smile.

"Miss Sang, I'll let you know when it's a good time to come to the hospital. I'd like to get the sample and your check up done first before starting the tests. Now, we'd better head back to the other boys. I'm sure they're missing a certain someone."

Dr Sean gave me a smile and winked at me as I blushed.

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