Chapter 22

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As we stood and turned to leave the dining room, Dr Sean stepped up to me and offered his elbow. He gave a slight bow and a flirty wink.

"If I may be so kind as to offer my services, my lady."

"Why, thank you, kind sir," I said, blushing as I took his elbow. I settled my hand on his arm, and his other hand came up and covered mine.

Dr Sean, the kind, flirty doctor. I gave him another smile.

We walked out of the room, heading for the living room.

When we entered, everyone was still sitting, or standing, in their spots, but the guys were silent.

Mr Blackbourne had stood when we entered, then he walked towards me.

"Miss Sorenson, if you would please, have a seat," he said, as he guided me across the room.

He gently urged me to sit down on the kitchen chair that he'd just vacated.
It had been moved and now sat facing the guys on the couch. He stood behind me as he began to speak.

"Miss Sorenson has agreed to the cameras. Now, I want to stress the point that Miss Sorenson is a young lady and as such, she deserves our curtsy and respect. The cameras are only to be activated if the code is not answered in a timely fashion or if an emergency occurs. No other reason will be tolerated. Am I understand?"

The guys each gave a nod, silently agreeing with Mr Blackbourne.

"Miss Sorenson has also agreed to allow us to help her at school. Now, while in school, Miss Sorenson has a class with at least one boy with her, except one."

The guys all started to object, while Gabriel jumped up from the floor. Before he could say anything, Mr Blackbourne waved him back down and continued.

"As I was saying, Miss Sorenson will have one class without you boys. However, for that class, Dr Green and myself will be present.

"With so many students attending this school year, someone should also walk Miss Sorenson to her classes."

He put his hand on the back of my chair, looking down at me. I frowned up at him.

I am perfectly capable of walking myself to my classes, I tried to say with my eyes.

Mr Blackbourne gave a slight nod, before he continued.

"I am aware that you are fully capable of walking to your classes alone. However, with the crowed hallways, if someone wanted to detain you, in any way, we wouldn't know about it until it was too late."

He glanced from me back to the guys.

"While at school, everyone is to keep an eye out for Mr Hades, if he is within sight of Miss Sorenson. As mentioned earlier, no one is to interfere unless absolutely necessary. If anyone is to see or hear Mr Hades engaging in anything questionable, they are to report immediately to Mr Lee, Dr Green, or myself.

"Since we will have cameras throughout the house, I see no reason why Miss Sorenson can not stay here by herself."

The guys grunted at that, but no one objected.

"I will have Mr Morgan program Miss Sorenson's phone with the emergency app. That will allow her to quickly reach one of us in the case of an emergency. Does anyone have anything to add at this time?"

The guys shook their heads no, one after the other.

"Ok, is everyone in agreement with the plan, of both the cameras and while we are at school?"

One by one, the guys took turns repeating, "I am willing and I will obey."

"Good. Ok, that ends this meeting. Let's get the cameras up and running. Everyone has places to be later tonight."

Two hours later, the cameras were installed and my phone had nine new apps, one for each guy.

The apps would allow the sender to send a slight shock to the receiver. It let the other person know that they needed help, especially if the phone was on silent or they were already talking on the other line.

If I hadn't watched them install the cameras, I wouldn't have been able to tell they were there. There was a camera in every room, except for the bathrooms and closets. There were also two cameras outside, each pointed at the front and back doors.

Victor also programed an app on my phone that let me access the cameras. Now I could easily turn on any camera in the house and check things out without leaving my room.

After the guys were done, they had to leave. I walked them to the door and they hugged me before they left.

All but Mr Blackbourne. When it was his turn, he told me good bye and held out his hand, shaking mine gently before releasing me.

Dr Sean rolled his eyes and gave Mr Blackbourne a slight shove, moving him out of his way.

He leaned down and gave me a hug. With his head next to mine, he whispered in my ear.

"Miss Sang, one of these days we are going to teach dear Mr Blackbourne how to treat a lady in the real world."

He winked at me and walked out the door, closing it behind him.

It was oddly quiet after spending all day with the guys.

It was almost midnight when my phone beeped.

North: Why are you still awake, Sang Baby?

Sang: Who said I wasn't sleeping, North Star?

I'd decided earlier that all the guys needed nicknames. Most had them for me, so it was only fair.

Looking at the stars under a clear night sky was one of my favorite things to do. I always felt like I was apart of something bigger as I looked up at the night sky.

The North Star was the brightest star, always a constant in the night sky. I had a feeling North would also be a constant in my life, if I let him be.

North: Go to sleep, Sang Baby.

Sang: Good night, North Star.

North: Good night.

I smiled as I shut my light off.

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