The Files

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Melinda May POV

I made sure that the door to the cockpit was locked before I sat down in my seat, with the file Skye or Daisy had given me. I soon realized that the things in this file were not just about the cover Daisy was under but also all the information S.H.I.E.L.D had on her.

As I was reading through the files that contained the information of how Daisy had ended up with the Avengers there was a sick feeling growing inside. The pictures that had been documented after her rescue, were something I had not seen in a very long time.

I quickly looked over the information that had been written down, however, I decided that it would be easier to just talk to Daisy eye to eye about it later on. I put away her backstory to the end of the file and found the undercover information and I started to read it. Or rather the back story that would fit better since there was two.

A small smile started to form as I read that in this one she was Maria's rookie and that she had been working quite a lot undercover. Only plays nice with her own team, and she has special permission to call in her own team for backup if she thinks it's needed. My smile grew even bigger when I read the small note from Maria that she was going to hold Fury on that.

A knock on the door made me look up, I quickly put away the file before I stood up and headed for the door. Unlocking the door and opening it up, I saw Coulson standing in front of me, and I just lift one eyebrow at him. "Coulson." I said before I turned around and walked back to my seat once more, I could hear that Coulson was following after.

"Who is she?" He asked after I had sat down once more. "Who?" I simply asked and I could feel the look Coulson was giving me and I simply rolled my eyes. "I have meet Agent Johnson from time to time before, mostly alongside her SO. Bright girl, quick on her feet and mind. She learns fast and knows far too much about things she should not know about." I replied and could not help but to grin a little.

"Her SO?" Coulson asked and he was looking out the window. "Maria Hill." I simply said and I could feel that Coulson was looking at me once more. "Maria?" He asked surprised and I simply nodded my head. "I found out about it when I was working down in administration. Maria's secret Rookie." I said and I looked at Coulson.

He had sat down in the copilot chair and was deep in thought. "She never said..." He started to say and I just rolled my eyes once more. "Who are we talking about?" I asked and looked back out the window once more. A small smile was forming on Coulson's lips and he shakes his head. "Maria." He just said and he stood up from the chair.

He started to walk out from the room once more, I leaned back in my seat and took a deep breath. I had to tell Daisy that I had told Coulson some of the cover stories. However, before I had a chance to raise up to look from the old hacktivist the door opened up once more.

I turned my head around only to see Daisy entering the cockpit, locking the door behind her. Once she was sure the door was properly looked she lift her hand up towards the side of her mask and pushed a button.

Daisy/Skye POV

Once the mask was off, I took a deep breath and walked over to the copilot seat and sat down with a heavy sigh. I could feel May looking at me with a grin. "What?" I asked and May just shrugged a little. "I had to tell Coulson that Maria used to be your SO." May then said and I leaned back my head.

"Anything else?" I asked but May just shook her head and I nodded my head. "So, questions." I said and I kept my eyes on the skies outside the windows. "The Avengers?" May said and I just smiled. If anyone could ask so many questions with just one, that would be May.

"Well, you read the file, kidnapped, tortured, experimented on, put through this weird smoke, got my powers." I started and I looked down at my hands. "Destroyed the building, was saved by the Avengers and Director Fury gave the order for me to be trained into an agent and an Avenger. Have done missions with almost all of them, done missions with Hand." I said and made a small face at that, I could see May rolled her eyes but there was a ghost of a smile.

"Then he called me in, said he had a special mission for me. Told me that I would be sent off to help you guys and the rest you know." I added and May nodded her head. "And the call?" She asked and I laughed a little.

"It was either letting me call them in if needed or I would not do the mission." I explained and shook my head a little. "But they will call, every day. Tony will probably call more than one time a day because he is bored or needs to complain about something." I said with a smile "But there is something you will need to have, or at least have programmed into your phone." I then said taking a deep breath and May looked at me once more.

"And that is?" She asked and I took out a small card handing it over to her. "Add this number to your phone, under the name of Quake Protocol." I said and May took the card with one raised eyebrow, however, she did as I had asked her to. I knew there would be questions once she was done with it though, there always would. "So, why did I do this?" She asked as she handed over the card to me once more. "It's a safe line if something were to happen and I can't call in the Avengers you will have to." I replied and May was looked at me.

"The only thing you need to do is to call the number, it's connected to Jarvis. Once you hear that Jarvis has accepted the call you will say your name and then say that The Quake Protocol has been compromised. By doing this there will be an alert going to the Avengers, Fury and Maria, telling them something has happened, who made the call and where to find you. After that either Fury or Maria will call and ask what has happened. It all depends on who wants to be the middle hand to tell the Avengers what has happened to me." I added and May nodded her head.

"The file told me that Natasha has trained you?" She then asked and I nodded my head a little. "She has, she trained me in hand to hand combat. Clint took care of me when it came to the shooting rink and Bruce helped me with controlling my powers. But you already knew that you just asked me about the training because you want to see how good I am by yourself." I said when I saw the small smile on May's face and she simply nodded her head, I rolled my eyes and I stood up.

"I'll go and change into something else then, see you down in the cargo hold in 5 for some sparing then?" I asked, May nodded her head once more and I smile. "Cool." I said and I lifts my hand towards the button that would activate my mask once more. "Oh, and for the time being. You are the only one who will see my face." I informed before I pushed the button and the mask was over my face once more. I unlocked the door and started to head down towards the bunk once more.

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