A rookie and a plan

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Daisy/Skye POV

After hitting the bag for a few minutes, I had fallen into a routine and I could feel all off my worries and feelings disappear for every hit I made towards the bag. Feeling how I was starting to relax, my hits towards the bag weren't as hard anymore.

Hearing the door open I stopped up a little, only two people were brave enough to enter through that door and neither of them was here at that moment. "Oh sorry, I didn't know anyone was in here." A male voice said from behind me and I simply rolled my eyes.

I kept on punching the bag, complete ignoring the man that had entered, hopping he would get the point. However, I could hear him walking towards me anyway. "You are doing it wrong." He then points out making me stop punching the bag, turning my head to look at him.

"Oh, am I? And you think you know how to punch better?" I asked him, feeling how anger was starting to boil in my system. "Of course, I was the best of my class. Besides, Hand handpicked me herself." The young agent in front of me said. He was standing tall, chin out and he was looking down on me.

"Like I have heard that before." I said in a cold voice, rolling my eyes towards his behavior. It was clear he had just come out from the Academy, he had no idea of who he was talking to nor did he have any respect for anyone. "According to my teacher, the last time he had seen anyone as good as me at the Academy it had been Agent Ward." The rookie agent said, making me lift one of my eyebrows.

"Oh, same level as Agent Ward. How good." I said with a dry voice before I turned towards the punching bag once more. "I think you should show me some more respect rookie. Or are you even an agent yet?" He then said, making me freeze up in my stand. Slowly turning around, I looked at the rookie once more.

"Excuse me?" I asked, I could hardly believe my ears. This rookie was going down, no madder what Hand had told me before. "You heard me." He simply said, crossing his arms. "You know what, let's settle this shall we? I guess you have boxed before?" I asked him, my eyes narrowed. "Have you?" He simply asked me back.

Without answering him I walked over to the wall, taking up a pair of boxing gloves and helmet. A pair for me and a pair for him. Putting on my own gear I throw his things over to him before I took my stand. The rookie was smiling with confidence as he puts on his gloves. "Don't worry, I will go easy on you." He then tells me, making me roll my eyes.

Before he was fully ready I make a high kick up towards his head with my right leg, barley blocking that attack I put my leg down again before a hard hit with my left hand ends up in his stomach. As the rookie takes a step back I crunch down spinning around with my right leg out to kick his feet away from under him.

The rookie hits the floor, head first and I stand up swiftly to only look down on him. "Johnson!" A voice suddenly calls out and I simply rolls my eyes, looking towards the door I could see Hand and May walking in. "What have I told you about knocking my agents out?" Hand asked me, marching towards me and the shocked agent on the floor.

"Not in the head, and not when they still have reports to finish." I told her with a roll of my eyes. I could see May smiling a little and I simply shook my head. "Wh... What just happened?" The rookie soon managed to get out and all our eyes were on him once more. "Agent Anderson, meet special agent Daisy Johnson." Hand told the rookie and held my head high this time. "And here I was going to ask if you could think about taking Anderson with you on the mission as backup, however I feel that the answer might be a no now." Hand then added, looking at me this time.

May walked up to stand beside me, looking down at the fallen rookie. "Seems like I have to make a call to Tasha and tell her that she need to hold on to her crown, there's a new rookie slayer in town." She then says with a small grin and I simply rolled my eyes. "Yeah, do that." I told her, and Hand looked over at the two of us. "You will do no such thing! The last thing I need is another competition between the two of them. If anything were to break it's on my head!" Hand told us, crossing her arms as she speaks. "Oh, don't worry Vick. I will behave, if others can." I told her, looking down at the rookie who didn't dear look up at me anymore.

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