Run away agent

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Natasha Romanoff POV

“Out of the way, quickly!” I could hear Clint call out as he was walking in front of Steve and I could see how May was about to follow after them. Taking hold of her arm I hold her back. “Don’t even think about it.” I told her, and I could see anger flash through May’s eyes when she turned around to look at me. “Listen before you start anything. Right now, there is three people on this plan that don’t know about your relationship with Daisy and one in your team has no idea of what has really happened to her. I suggest you talk to Maria and Fury, send them off to take care of Ward and then make sure Fitz keeps it together. If Daisy wakes up before nightfall I will call for you. However, if she doesn’t you will have free access to the med bay to stay with her.” I told her in a low voice, May’s eyes narrowed a little before she nodded her head.

“Fury, Hill! This way!” May then called out and started to head for the stairs that lead up to the second floor. Maria and Fury gave me a quick head nod as they walked passed me and I nod my head back before I followed after the rest of my team. “Everyone who isn’t a member of Daisy’s original team will leave this room now!” I could hear Clint calling out as I got closer towards the med bay and I could see how Coulson was half trying to get both Fitz and Simmons out from the room and that Steve was still holding on to Daisy, her face turned towards his torso.

“You heard Clint! Get back to the second floor, all the information you will need will be given to you by May. Let Bruce do his job alone, this would not be the first time he does it.” I told the three of them as I walked towards the med bay. Fitz, Simmons and Coulson turned around to look at me, however I just pointed towards the stairs with narrowed eyes. “Come on.” Coulson told FitzSimmons once he recognized the look in my eyes and he managed to push the two agents away from the room.

Entering the room, I quickly closed the door behind me and Steve put down Daisy on the bed. “What do we know?” Bruce asked as he started to look over Daisy. “Not much, when May and I found her she was already sleeping.” I told him, and Bruce nodded his head. The room fell in to a heavy silence, all of us watching as Bruce made sure the young agent was alright. “It seems like they have put her under anesthetized, knowing Daisy it was because she was putting up to much of a fight. It looks like they have taken a few blood samples from her but nothing else so far. I guess we were lucky this time.” Bruce explained to us once he was done and a sigh of relief was going through us all.

“So, what now?” I asked him, and Bruce turned his head to look at me. “We wait for her to wake up, maybe then she can tell us more about what happened.” He answered, and I nodded my head. “I’ll take the first shift, we all know how she can get when she wakes up from something like this.” I told them all, without even getting an answer back the rest of the team heads for the door. “Call me when she starts to wake up.” Bruce told me from the door opening and I nodded my head. “You and May will be the first ones to know.” I told him with a smile. Bruce nodded his head at that and closed the door after him, taking one of the chairs I moved it over to the bed and sat down.


Daisy/Skye POV

“Daisy!” Natasha was calling after me. However, blocking her out I kept my eyes locked on what was in front of me as I took the steers two at the time. Reaching the top and heading in to the main part of the BUS I was meet with Clint, Tony and Steve standing together. “Daisy?” Clint asked out of surprise when he sees me, making both Steve and Tony turn their heads towards me. “STOP HER!” Natasha was calling out from behind me and I could see how the three Avengers got ready to get a hold of me. Moving quickly towards the side made the three men run into one another instead and falling to the floor.

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