A challenge for the three

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Daisy/Skye POV

A hand was put on my shoulder, making me jump where I was sitting. Quickly turning my head around, my eyes landed on Simmons between all the information on the sun glasses on the mask. "I'm sorry, you didn't react when I called your name." She explained, looking worried.

"Mr. J, save my progress and close down." I told Jarvis before I put away my computer on the table in front of me. "It's alright Simmons. I have a habit going to deep into my work and lose myself in it." I told her, relaxing into the couch. "What are you working on?" Simmons asked as she sat down beside me.

"I'm trying to figure out if we have missed anything on the security cameras from the different labs. I don't believe that Centipede just leave their buildings like this, they are playing with us and I want to know what they are after." I told her, it was clear that I was frustrated from my voice. "Any idea what they could be after?" Simmons asked, and I nod my head.

"They want me." I told her before I realized what I just said. "You?" Simmons asked in surprise and I could not help but to curse in Russian under my breath. "Yeah, I created some big problems for them a while back and they have not forgiven me for it. The reason why I have to run back end from now on." I explained, and Simmons nodded her head.

"I was half kidnapped last time we were out on a Centipede mission. May had to bust me out, she was not very happy over that and neither was my SO and team when they found out about it." I then added and somehow, I had a hard time to not to smile at it all.

"Your SO?" Simmons asked, and I turned my head towards her. "Haven't Coulson told you guys?" I asked in surprise and Simmons shook her head. "Maria Hill." I told her, and I smiled as I saw how Simmons eyes grow big. "Your SO is Maria Hill?" She asked right out, and I could not help but to roll my eyes. "You just found out that I know Tony Stark a few weeks ago and this still surprises you?" I asked her, a bit amused over it all.

"Well yes, you never pointed out fully that Maria was your SO either when you were talking about you knowing Mr. Stark that day." Simmons pointed out.

I nodded my head a little when I went over the things I had said back then. "True, true." I said before looking over at Simmons once more. "What could I do for you by the way?" I then asked her, and I could see the surprise in her eyes once more. "What?" She asked. "Why did you suddenly decide that coming to talk to me when I was working was a brilliant idea?" I asked her once more.

"Oh, right. Fitz wanted to know if you wanted to join us on pizza and movie night." Simmons said, and I could not help but to lift one eyebrow. "Not to be mean or something like that, but why didn't Fitz come and ask himself?" I asked in a bit of surprise. "Because Fitz doesn't really know. He talked about asking you. However, he knows how hard you have been working these passed weeks and he didn't really want to disturb you." Simmons explained and I nod my head, that sounded more right.

Looking at the computer in front of me I reached forward and closed it. "I guess I could use with a proper break, it will not help anyone if I end up burning myself out in the progress." I said and the smile on Simmons face was big. "Great! What type of pizza do you want? I was about to put together a list with what the rest of the team wants to." She told me, leaning back I started to think. "I'll take the same May wants to have." I told her, and Simmons nods her head.

"Got it! Now go and put that away!" She told me, pointing down at my computer and I just shook my head at her. "I will, now go!" I told her, reaching out for my computer just as Simmons turned around. "Sir, do you want the same pizza as always?" I could hear Simmons asking and I turned my head to the side to see Coulson coming towards us.

"That would be good yes." Coulson answered Simmons who nodded her head before she headed off. Shaking my head, I could not help but to smile a little as I stood up. "Agent Coulson." I said with a nod of my head towards him. "Daisy, I have a small question for you." Coulson said as he walked towards me. "And that question would be?" I asked him, not sure if I was going to like this or not.

"Have you heard anything from your team yet about the location of Skye?" Coulson then asked, closing my eyes a little at the question, I really did not like this one. "No sir. There was a talk about one of my team members going to try to go undercover within Rising Tied to see if they could figure out if this Skye is still working for them or not." I told him, feeling that this was the closest thing to the truth that I could tell him at the moment.

Coulson nodded his head and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in, happy that he had accepted this as an answer. "Now, if you excuse me. I need to put this away before Simmons returns to tell me about it again." I said, holding up my computer a little. "That might be a good idea." Coulson answered with a smile. Nodding my head towards him I headed for my bunk, closing the door behind me.

Putting down the computer carefully I took a few deep breaths to calm my beating heart down. Once I had it under control I sat down on my bed, felling that a few minutes of silence before I walked out from my bunk once more could be just what I needed.


"What are we going to watch tonight?" Fitz asked, once he had finally gotten over the chock that Simmons had asked me to join the two of them. "MIB?" I asked, leaning back in the couch and putting my feet on the table. "Really? Your suggestion is a movie about a secret organization that haunts down aliens that are hiding on our planet?" Fitz commented.

"The question is why not? Just think at the possibility to find a new weapon you could make in a movie like this. We also get to see how we should not handle things." I answered him as if it was the most obvious thing ever. "She does have a point there." Simmons pointed out, smiling big I pointed towards her.

"See, two against one." I told Fitz who just rolls his eyes. "Fine, we will watch MIB." He said with a sigh, holding up my hand towards Simmons she gives me a high five. Fitz just shook his head at the two of us before he started to find the movie in question for us to watch.

"I would have done the same." I pointed out as Edwards shot the little girl during the test run. "Really?" Fitz asked, and I nodded my head. "He has a point, that girl really shouldn't be out at a time like that." I told him. "Who should not be out at that time of night?" I could hear Coulson asking. Turning our heads around real fast we could see him walking towards us.

"We are watching the MIB movie, I just said that I would have done the same thing that Agent J did when he shot the little girl during the test run." I answered him before I turned my attention back towards the movie once more, Coulson stopped behind the couch and looked towards the screen to.

"Daisy thought it could be good if we watch this movie so that we know what to do and not to do." Fitz explained before Coulson had a chance to say anything. "Well, I'm not really complaining." He said with a small shrug of his shoulder before he turned towards the kitchen.

"Oh, and if you can manage to figure out how that Neuralyzer works that would be absolutely wonderful!" Coulson then called out, making the three of us look at one another. "Was it just me or didn't that just sound like a challenge?" I asked, only to have both Fitz and Simmons nod their heads.

"Seems like we have one interesting challenge on our hands now." I then added, smiling big and I could swear that I heard Coulson from the kitchen. "Let's watch all three of the movies so we are sure we have everything we need to start figure out how it's done." I told FitzSimmons who nodded their heads once more, the smiles on their faces were the same once I had seen when Fitz had been working on his Night Night Gun.

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