Sparing and the call

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Daisy/Skye POV

Once I had changed in to my training clothes, I passed through the kitchen to get two water bottles before I headed for the stairs. As I walked past the command center, I could feel Ward looking up from whatever he was doing in there.

I simply ignored it starting to walk down the stairs and down to the cargo hold, where I smiled a little when I saw May putting out the mats. "I brought some water for you too." I informed as I walked over to the bench, putting down the two bottles.

May looked over at me nodding her head in a thank you before she started to stretch. I joined in doing the same. Once we had stretched out, we took our stance in front of one another on the mats. We looked at each another for a few seconds before I took the first step to attack.

I was smiling big, May easily blocked my attacks and I had no problems with blocking hers. She was at the same level as both me and Natasha which was perfect for me. Natasha would have killed me if she found out I was on a mission and had not been training properly.

After an hour and a half I locked my eyes with May, and with a small nod, the two of us jumped away from each another, ending this sparing section. I was breathing hard and I let my head fall back a little, it was then when I realized we had an audience.

I rolled my eyes and headed for the bottles and I throw one to May who easily caught it. I pushed one of the buttons on my helmet and only the gas mask went away so that I could drink. "Thank you for that, I really needed it." I said, May nodded her head.

"Your good, much better than last time I saw you." She commented and I grinned taking another sip of the water. "Well, I was just a newcomer when you first meet me." I said making May roll her eyes before she nodded towards the mats. "I put them out, you put them away. I need a shower." She informed and I let out a deep sigh.

"Well, this takes me back to my training days." I commented with a dull voice, but I did what I had been asked to do anyway. However, I could still feel eyes on me and I turned to look at the audience. "What?" I simply asked them all. I could see how FitzSimmons quickly turned back into the lab to work on whatever they were doing before the match had started.

Ward was simply looking at me with big eyes, and I could feel a chill go through my body. Why I was not sure of. Though, I was going to find it out. Sooner or later. Coulson had a goofy smile on his face which made him look like a proud father, but I quickly dismissed that thought.

There had been a time when I had thought that Coulson could be the closest thing I would ever get to a father. However, I had ruined that chance so long ago, not to mention that I had found my father. Or rather, he had found me.

His evil smile flashed through my memories, I closed my eyes and lowered my head. I took a deep breath before I went back to put away the mats, before I headed up the stairs, walking past Ward and Coulson on the way.

I could hear Ward asking Coulson what he knew about me, and I only heard Coulson mention Hill before I was out of hearing reach. I headed for my bunk to get clean clothing, towel and soap before I headed for the second shower.


I was sitting on my bed in the bunk, my head was leaning towards the wall and I had my eyes closed. The mask was lying beside me and I wasn't worried, the door was locked and I had updated the lock when I got here. No one was going to be able to get in here.

If they didn't happen to be me, my team, Fury, Hill or May. May was the new edition to the list. Since she was the only one knowing the truth about me, she was allowed into the space.

The melody of High way to hell was soon playing in my bunk and I opened my eyes, smiling big since I already knew who was calling me. I took out my phone and answered the call. "What? Missing me already Iron Ass?" I asked with a small laugh.

"You know I do tremor! It's so boring around here without you." Stark answered with a small laughter. "So, what have you guys been up to after I left?" I asked and I could feel how I was starting to relax for the first time since I left the tower.

"Nothing much, waiting for a report from where you are. Now, where are you?" Tony asked and I started to laugh once more. "Why? Do you have bets going or something?" I asked him, already knowing that answer to that question.

"How can you think something like that!" Tony said but I just rolled my eyes. "Because I have spent 3 months with you all. I know you far too well already. Mister, I have a secret crush on Caps ass." I said with a grin and laughter could be heard from the background.

"How... How!?" Tony said and I rolled my eyes once more. "I found out last time you thought drinking alongside Truth and Dear was a brilliant idea." I simply said with a fond smile as I heard Tony mumbled something.

"Good work rookie, you have managed to break Tony without even being here." Natasha then said and I laughed a little. "Well, it's what I'm good at." I said with a shrug of my shoulder.

"So, where are you?" Natasha asked I took a deep breath closing my eyes once more. "Fury sent me to rejoin the team I once betrayed." I said in a low voice. It was quite on the other end of the line for a few seconds before every single one of them calls out what.

I let out a sigh and opened my eyes once again, looking up at the selling. "Don't worry, they don't know who I am. Or rather who I was, well... If you don't count May. She knows, everything." I explained, it was better to tell them that May knew in case she was to use the failsafe.

"Mel knows?" Clint asked and I grinned a little at the nickname. "Yes, when I first left this place I wrote her a letter explaining my past. She read it to the end and stayed quiet about it. She is keeping my secret once more now." I replied and smiled a little.

"Well, that's what Mel does. Tell her we said hi." Natasha said. "I will do that when it's only the two off us. Which reminds me. Doesn't anyone want to know how I even agreed to do this work?" I asked, a bit surprised by that fact, but not at the same time. I knew I wasn't supposed to be surprised by it since I had mentioned May.

"Yeah, why did you agree to this mission. Because from the things you said about this team when we first found you it sounded like you never wanted to see them again." Steve asked and I could not help but to nod my head a little.

"Well, I made a deal with Fury. If there comes a time during this mission where I'm sure I can't handle the enemy by myself I can call you guys here. Fury won't even stop me if I do, and Maria is holding him to that promise." I explained, and I could almost feel the pride coming from my team through the phone.

"Nicely done Kid! Now when we see one another again you will have to teach me how you did that." Tony said and I rolled my eyes. I could hear someone slapping him, I had a strong feeling it was Pepper.

An alarm soon went off on the BUS and I looked towards the door. "Need to go, duty calls." I informed them quickly before I hanged up, I took my mask and put it on. Once it was on I was outside my bunk within a second and headed for the command center.

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