Why she's here

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Daisy/Skye POV

As I entered the command center I saw that May and Coulson were the only ones there at the time being, I walked up to stand beside May, giving the older agent a small nod in greeting.

"So, Agent Coulson what do we have for work this time?" I asked and Coulson looked over at me. "I'll tell you once we are all here." He said and I rolled my eyes a little. "Well, you can start talking because they are." I said and a second later both FitzSimmons and Ward walked into the room.

Coulson looked at the three agents, and then at me with a surprised face. I could feel May hit me lightly under the table. I just shrugged a little, not answering the unasked question on how I knew that, after all. May is the only one on this BUS that knows about my powers.

"Alright, so we have a new mission." Coulson started once he had shaken himself out of his shock. He stared at the table in front of us all. "We are being sent off to investigate a possible 0-8-4." Coulson informed and I smiled big.

"Yes! Finally! I haven't had a 0-8-4 mission for so long!" I said with a big grin and I could feel the others looking at me. "What? For the past couple of months, I have only been doing undercover work or I have been sent all around the world to pick up stuff for Victoria Hand." I explained, and I could feel May hitting me lightly under the table once more.

FitzSimmons eyes had grown big when I mention Victoria Hand but before they could ask more about that I had turned to Coulson. "Sorry Agent Coulson, do continue." I then said with a nod of my head. I could see that he was going to ask about this later but for now I was off the hook.

"As I was saying." Coulson continued as he gave me a look, but I simply smiled behind the mask. "We are heading off to Trillemarka National Part, Norway. Less than an hour ago two park rangers where attacked, one was killed." Coulson explained and I could not help but to blink a little. "We have very little information about it all at the moment. But what we do know, is that the attacker was a raging woman with a silver staff." Coulson added.

"So, in other words we are heading into a situation with very little to go on once more." May translated and Coulson nodded his head a little at that. "Again? I'm sorry sir but it feels like that's the only thing we have been doing for weeks now. Going in dark, not knowing what we will meet." Ward half accused and I could not help but to roll my eyes. "Well, it seems like this is the reason as to why I was sent here then." I simply said and I pulled out my phone.

"I'll see you all once we are in Norway." I then added as I turned around to walk out from the command room. I kept my eyes on the screen and I let my feet take me up to the cockpit and I sat down in the copilot seat. About a minute later the door opened once more, I simply smiled and pushed the button to deactivate the mask, already knowing that it was May.

"Hiding in here again?" She commented as she sat down in the pilot seat. I just smiled at it all. "Well, this is the only place I can work in peace and not to worry about the mask." I explained and shrugs a little.

"Besides, in about two weeks or so I will take my flying license so I need all the training I can get." I then added and my smile grows bigger when I could fell May's eyes on me.

"You're taking flying lessons?" She asked me while I simply nodded my head. "Clint and Natasha have been teaching me. It took them a while to agree at first. They thought flying was not the third thing I needed to learn, but when I cracked Tony's system in less than an hour they changed their mind." I told her and I was smiling big, at the old memory of how grumpy Tony had been and the laughter coming from Clint and Natasha.

From the corner of my eye I could see May opening her mouth to say something, but before she was able to there was a knock on the door. I swiftly pushed the button to activate the mask and once it was on, May turned her head around towards the door.

"Enter." She called out and Coulson opened the door. Once he saw me sitting in there he froze up a bit, but simply shock it off again. "So, you're in here too Johnson." He said with a nod of his head. "I love the solitude that comes from the view. The silence in here is just what I need to be able to work to." I answered him, simply with a wave of my hand that was holding my phone.

Coulson simply nodded his head as an answer, before he turned to look at May, who had turned her head so she could look outside once more. "How long before we get there?" He asked her. "We will be landing in an hour." May simply answered him before she flips one of the switches. "Good, I will be taking Simmons and Ward down to the sight. You two and Fitz will stay here." Coulson ordered and I could feel he was looking at me once more.

"I want as much information you can find on who we could be dealing with." He then added and I rolled my eyes. "Understood Agent Coulson." I answered him but his eyes never left me and I turned my head towards him once more.

"Is there something else, Agent Coulson?" I asked him, I could see him swallow a little at that. "Well, yes." He started to say before he took a deep breath. "Victoria Hand?" He then added and I started to laugh at it all.

"Well, I think Vic gets a kick out of pushing me to my limits from time to time." I answered him with a shrug. "She can be very annoying to deal with during missions but once she's off the clock, something that is rare in this line of work. She is just an amazing woman. However, if you tell her I said that I will make what Hulk did to Loki look like a child's play." I then added and my voice grows darker towards the end.

I could see how Coulson swallowed a little before he nodded his head. "Right, then I will just..." He somehow managed to get out, all of sudden being nervous. He took one last deep breath before he turned around and left the cockpit at high speed.

Once the door was closed behind him both May and I started to laugh a little and I deactivated the mask once more. "Well, how about you get back to work. I will not walk into another blind operation." May told me and I smiled, looking back down at my phone. "Ay ay, captain." I joked but I could see a small smile coming from the older agent.

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