Chapter 1

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Hi, I'm Ariadne Wooster. I am 19, but I am turning 20 in 6 weeks. I live in Doncaster with my own apartment. I am an only child, but I have the bestest friends to make up for the lack of siblings. Lori, my best friend since before I can even remember, is staying with me this summer since her parents are on a work vacation to Hawaii, they study volcano activity so they didn't want to drag Lori there where she would know nobody, and never see her parents because they are exploring volcanoes. I used to have a guy bestfriend. His name is Louis Tomlinson. Yup, THE Louis Tomlinson from the pop BoyBand One Direction was best friends with a loser like me. But once he went on The X-Factor, I've never talked to him. Trust me, I've tried.... He just never answers the phone, or responds to his facebook. Well, after school today it's officially summer break! So Lori and I are going to a bar, thank the lord for fake I.D's. Well, that's what I would say to anyone interested in my life. I think to myself.

-I get a text from Lori saying- Heyyy gurl! I'm in the parking lot with ZILLIONS of bags, HELP ME!

I quickly text her back saying I'll be down to help. When I get down there Lori runs up to me and gives me a huge hug.

"Oh my gosh this is going to be the best summer ever! No more school until we decide to go to college, in a few weeks we can go clubbing legally, and we're going to live together!" Lori says.

"Haha I know right! We better get these bags upstairs before some rapist comes and takes us though!" I say back. Her and I always feel like a rapist is going to take us, I don't know why but we just do.

"Okay, but first" she pauses "ALL BAD PEOPLE GO AWAY ARIADNE AND I HAVE TAKEN MILLIONS OF KARATE CLASSES AND WE AREN'T SCARED TO USE ARE SUPER AWESOME BUTT-KICKING SKILLS ON YOU. IF YOU DON'T THINK THAT'S ENOUGH, WE BOTH HAVE THOUSANDS OF POISON DARTS ON US AT ALL TIMES. DON'T TAKE ANY CHANCES! AND DON'T DARE TO TOUCH MY JUGULARS". Her and I start cracking up after she says that, of course we have no skill in karate, we took three classes when we were 9 but begged our parents to let us quit, they eventually let us quit so they could stop hearing our fits. And as for the poison darts, I don't even think there are any of those things in a 5 mile radius of my apartment building, but you never know what Lori will say to defend herself.

After Lori and I bring her bags upstairs (7 FLIGHTS OF THEM!) and unpack her bags, we decide to get ready for the club. I end up leaving my hair straightened, I am wearing my purple clubbing dress, with black pumps and simple makeup. Lori is wearing her haired curled, a red dress, sparkly silver heels, and hot red lipstick. We look hot, but individually I'm ratchet and she's drop dead-gorgeous. I wish I looked like her right now!

"Okay, we're stunning, now let's go!" Lori pleaded.

'You go to your car, you are driving because I can't drive in these things." I say while pointing to my pumps.

"Okay, but if a rapist comes, I'll never forgive you!" She says while walking out the door. When she's out I run to my room put my lip-gloss, mascara, iPhone, and portable iPhone charger in my white clutch. What? I can't go anywhere without my charger. Never know what's going to happen. After that I grab my key, lock the door and go to the car.

~3 hours later!

Lori and I are in the club, thanks to our fake I.Ds. She's only had a few drinks so far, but I've had 4 shots of vodka, and 4 shots of champaigne. Yup, you might have expected I'm dead on drunk. Lori's pulling me out of the club when suddenly some guys in black ski masks and white tuxes come up to us and 2 of them put some sort of cloth in our mouth's while the other 2 drag us to a black Mercedes with tinted windows. Uh-oh, I look to Lori and her and I share a horrid look. Right before everything goes blank, I hear a familiar voice.

"Stop! Put the girls down!" The familiar yet unrecognizeable voice says. And after that, a few shouts are heard. That's when I black out.

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