Chapter 23

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I wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs. Liam's still in bed with me, so I think it's Niall. I try to get out of bed to go get some food, but Liam pulls me back down. He wraps his arms around my waist tightly, so I can't wiggle out of his grip.

"Liam let me go!" I pout. He turns me so I'm facing him, but he still has a strong grip on my waist. He has a huge smirk, and I can imagine what he wants. I groan and roll my eyes.

"You aren't going to let me go until I give you a kiss, are you?" I ask with annoyance clear in my voice.

"You know me so well." Liam says with his sexy morning voice. He has a huge smile covering his face right now, knowing he was going to get what he wanted. I sigh and roll my eyes, but give him a peck. As I'm about to pull away, he rolls so he's now leaning over me controlling the kiss. His tongue begs for entrance and I comply, my mood completely changing. I still hate morning breath, but I'm too caught up in the moment to care. Liam's lips fit to mine perfectly, making the already noticed heat inside my stomach to spark even hotter. The kiss starts out passionate and soft, but then get's rough and a bit sloppy. Lust filled moans leaving both of our throats, I knew this would end up going somewhere soon. Right as I'm about to suggest just that, the door opens. Liam immediately rolls back over to his side of the bed, and I blush a deep shade of red. I look to see who violated our privacy, and standing there is a beautiful girl who looks to be in her early twenties or maybe even my age.

"Umm.... Zayn told me to tell you two that he made you guys a breakfast, since you are going somewhere special. Sorry if I interrupted anything, I'll tell him you two were busy or something. Sorry." The girl says as she awkwardly just stands there playing with her fingers. I guess Liam didn't roll back soon enough. I think she might be Ashley, I'm not sure.

"No, no! It's okay, I'm sorry for putting you in this position, we'll be right out. Tell Zayn we said thank you. You didn't interrupt anything, don't worry about it. I'm sorry, but I never did catch your name, I'm Ariadne, but you can call me Ari." I say as I sit up on the bed.

"Oh, well I'm Ashley, I don't really have a nickname but Zayn says that Ash is a cute one. Zayn's said things about you, were you the one that slept with Niall? No, that was Taylor... Oh! You're the one that's dating Liam, explains why you're in here. I got scared I walked in on a cheating scene or something." Ashley says as she clearly doesn't remember the occurence of that conversation to well.

"I'm sorry for butting in loves, but I'd just like to make it clear that I would not, nor ever will cheat on Ariadne. Now you two carry on, I'll take a shower and be right out there." Liam says as he walks to the bathroom. When Liams gone, I pat the space next to me indicating Ashley to sit. Once she takes a seat on the bed, I start talking.

"Yea, I'm Liam's girlfriend. It's kind of funny, I went from high school to Liam Payne. I don't think Liam would cheat on me today of all days, I'm meeting his parents. So you're the girl Zayn get's nervous talking about, I overheard his conversation with Liam about you, and from my point of view he really likes you. Taylor is one of my best friends, she's dating Niall. I don't know if they're boyfriend and girlfriend yet, but they have slept together, you're right." I say chuckling at the last part. She takes a minute to comprehend what I just said, seeming to be trying to find the exact words to say.

"So you're just out of High School? So am I, I went to Harvard prep in the States, but I met Zayn at one of his concerts. I didn't really think Liam would cheat, but I just didn't know, sorry again. I like Zayn too, so I hope he likes me. I met Taylor for a brief moment yesterday, she seems really nice." Ashley says. I really like something about her personality, she seems so bubbly and perfect for Zayn.

~20 minutes later~

I'm still talking to Ashley in Liam's room, unaware of the time. Right as I'm about to answer Ashley's question, Liam walks in with a huge plate of bacon and eggs. His hair is still wet from his shower, and I've got to admit, it looks hot.

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