Chapter 29

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(Continuation Of texts)

(A-Ariadne I-Izzy)

A- 'Are you serious? You must be joking, right?' I send. As I send that I realize that everyones done eating, so I suggest we pay.

I- 'Of course I'm serious. But Imma have to text you later, we're about to tell his parents.' I don't respond, I just lock my phone.

"Umm wait, what do you mean 'we' pay?" Liam asks as I stand up to go pay for everyone. I meant that I would pay, and the 'we' would be moral support, but Liam won't have that.

"I mean I'll go pay and you all just sit here and support it. I don't care what you say I'm paying." I say as I crawl over Taylor to get out of our booth. But Liam whispers something to Niall, and Niall has me in his grip. He pulls me over to Liam and Niall sits in my previous seat. Liam has me on his lap and has me in an inescapable hold, so I can't go pay.

"No you're not paying Ari. The lads and I are, I'm paying for you and I, Niall's paying for him and Taylor, and Zayn's paying for Ashley and himself. We are not letting you protest." Liam says as he removes one arm around me, but I still can't escape his grasp because his other arm is too strong. He takes out his wallet and pulls out a 10 and a 5, enough for both of our lunches. He puts it in the center of table. He doe's all of this before I can even speak, and when I'm about to he has his hand over my mouth. I lick it to get him to move it away, but he doesn't. He's weird, but I like weird. I sigh.

"If I move my hand, do you promise you will let me pay?" Liam says. I nod my head but roll my eyes. Why can't I pay for myself. He then removes his hand from my mouth, and snakes it around my waist with the other. I then speak.

"Why can't I just pay for myself, not everyone else but just myself? Please Li Li?" I ask with puppy dog eyes knowing he will cave in. He nods his head no before he turns his head though so he doesn't see me. Ugh, he caught on. I try to pull his face back, and once I suceed he has his eyes closed. Fine, two can be this way. Since he's facing me now, and everyone at our table is lost in conversation, I lean my face up and connect our lips. He flinches at the sudden contact, but I feel him smirk on my lips as we move in perfect sync. I let our lips linger for a few more seconds, before pulling away and immediately doing my saddest face ever. Liam opens his eyes and has a smile playing at the end of his lips, but it faulters once he sees my face. He knows what I'm trying to do, and he's not giving in. He pecks my lips once before talking.

"Ariadne Wooster, stop trying to make me change my mind. It's not going to work, and I'm paying for your lunch. You can't pay because I said so. I love you, but you gotta stop with those damn eyes. They have to already given me breathing problems, it hurts to see you upset. Now sit here and be a good girl until the waiter comes, unless you want to go back to our previous activity." Liam says with a smirk. I roll my eyes but give him a peck on his cheek.

"I love you Li Li. Fine, but next time I'm paying. I don't care how much you protest, but you never let me pay, and I don't want to think I'm taking advantage of you in any way. Okay Liam?" I ask. I don't bother doing my puppy dog eyes because he's not going to give in, I know that. He rolls his eyes clearly annoyed at something I just said.

"First of all Ari, maybe you can pay next time, no promises. Second and lastly of all, it's not taking advantage of anything, because you already give me your love, your affection, your time, your beauty, you agreed to being mine, and you bought me a new movie for my Disney collection, so I think me buying you lunch still doesn't even out the playing field." Liam states. He must be confused, because those are all the things he gave me, minus the new movie. But he bought me clothes at the mall, so still we're even.

"But Liam you got it wrong, those are all the things you gave me, except the movie. You got me alot of clothes from the mall though,and they cost way more than that movie costed. You asked me to be yours, so you get credit for that too." I state. As Liam's about to reply Mike comes over, ugh.

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