Chapter 45

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I'm stlll lying in bed with Liam, unsure of what to say. About three weeks. Three weeks we have until he goes away on tour. for 3 months. 3 Months without seeing him. Sure, theres texting and face time and stuff, but I won't be able to cuddle with him in bed. I won't be able to give him a good morning kiss. I won't be able to to just admire his face in person anymore. Okay, that sounds creepy.

"Ari?" Liam repeats my name for the third time. I come to my senses and realize he's waiting for me to say something, but I don't know what to say. I look into his eyes hoping to find some sign of joking, but I find seriousness there instead.

"Yeah.. Okay.." I whisper. I turn back to my side, so I'm facing away from him, not wanting him to see my expression. I don't even know what my expression is. I cuddle into him still, not wanting him to feel unloved. I still love him, I love him so much. I'm just... I don't know. I'm something.

"Ariadne, we can talk. Talk to me, please. I promise I'm coming back, and I have a week off. We have a break, I promise. so it's more like, two months and a few weeks. Not even three months. Just promise me we'll be okay, you'll be okay." He fumbles for words for what seems like the first time ever since I met him. I look at him and force a smile, grabbing his hand.

"Li, we'll be fine, I promise. I'll be... Fine. I'll have Ashley and Taylor going through the same thing, so atleast I won't be alone. I can always go to Izzy and talk to her if I need to, don't worry about me. I'm worried about you, that's all." I manage to get out, trying to figure out how I feel while I talk. Liam gives a small smile and kisses my cheek.

"Yeah. Ash and Tay will be here too, I almost forgot. Izzy can be here for you too, though I don't know how she'll relate to our situation. Ari, why would you worry about me? I'm coming back, it's not like I'm leaving forever." Liam says as I turn fully facing him now.

"No reason. I'm just over-reacting I guess. It's okay." I smile as I close my eyes, taking in how he feels around me, holding me close to him. I'm going to try and remember this feeling while he's away. But I do know why I'm worrying. Three monthes is a long time, he could find a prettier girl, because I know there are gorgeous woman around the world, especially America. I've never been there myself, but Izzy has. Izzy told me she was worried Hayes would find a prettier woman because of all the beautiful woman there. But Izzy is gorgeous, I'm ordinary. It won't take too long for Liam to find a prettier woman there in America. And I can't help but feel he will realize that too. Realize I'm nothing special. I can't offer him anything he can't get himself, I'm not pretty, I'm me.

"Okay. Well now that we got that settled, I wanted to ask you about the tv yesterday, The baby clothes? Why did you buy them?" He mumbles as holds me holder, making his grip tighter. This I can answer.

"I bought them for Izzy, you know how I told you she's having a baby? Yeah, well I got her maternity clothes and some baby stuff. It must've been a misunderstanding." I shrug. I'm actually tired now, and I just want to think.

"Hey Li Li, I'm gonna go to bed, goodnight I love you." I mumble as I bring sleep to my eyes. He says it back before humming some unreckognizable tune, but I love it anyways.

~Next Morning~

I wake up with a stretch and a silent yawn. I open my eyes and see nobody on the bed, so I sit up and look around the room. I'm about to crawl out of bed and go on the search for somebody, but then on the floor in front of the bed, I see a shirtless Liam doing push ups. Nice. Perfect, actually.

"And good morning to you too Li Li." I say as I watch Liam's back flex, making his muscles prominent. He pushes away from the ground a final time with a chuckle before he get's off the floor and joins me, still shirtless might I add.

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