Chapter 28

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*At Restaurant*

Once we arrive at the restaurant, I notice it's more of a fast food place and less of a restaurant. I'm not complaining though, unless they don't give out toy's with the kids meals, that's right I get kid's meals just for the toy. As I look for where Zayn and Ashley are, Liam sees them and pulls me over. So far only Ashley and Zayn are here, sitting across from each other. I take a seat next to Ashley and Liam sits across from me.

"So how are your fans reacting to this?" I ask Zayn who has his phone out. I assume he's on twitter but I can't tell because I can't see what he's doing from my side of the table.

"Well not alot of people heard it, only about a thousand did, because it's a local station not worldwide or anything. But the people who did hear it are happy for Ashley and I, some happy for Niall since he found a princess but others not so pleased, and as for you and Liam most fans are happy to hear "Ariam" is still together, some people aren't as pleased." Zayn says as he puts air quotes around Ariam. I take out my phone to go on my twitter, which by the way I have 3,000 followers now, and I see that most people are happy about Liam and I, others not as pleased like Zayn says. I decide to take a picture of Ashley and I.

"Ashley I'm on twitter, and I want to post a picture of us! Can I?" I ask already going on my camera. She nods and I wrap my arm around her shoulder, and we both smile as the camera flashes. I also take a picture of Liam and Zayn. This is what I tweet. @Ari_Wooster: Heyy guys, Ashley, Zayn, Liam and I are out at lunch just waiting for Niall and Taylor to join us! We're on a triple date right now, but so far it's just a double date. NIALL AND TAYLOR PLEASE COME BECAUSE MY STOMACH IS ANGRY!" I then get off the twitter app and lock my phone. I put it on the table because I don't have a purse with me. As I do this, Taylor and Niall show up. Taylor takes the seat beside me leaving Niall to sit beside Liam.

"Finally we are all here! Now we can get a server to come because someones tummy is angry." Zayn mocks me. I roll my eyes at him but everyone else looks confused, they must not have read my tweet. Right as we are about to call for a server, one makes his way over to us. But to make this day even better, it's Mike. Fudging Mike, ugh.

"Hello, I'm Mike and I'll be your server. What can I get you guys?" He greets us. Liam is glaring at him obviously not amused by this and even though I can't see my face, it's probably not any nicer.

"Well, I'd like a coke for my drink, and a Ceaser Salad." Ashley says to him politely, unaware of the fact this guys a weirdo.

"I'll have that too, just a instead of coke I'd like Pepsi please." Taylor says. Since none of the boys are done looking at the menu I guess it's my turn.

"I'd like a chicken nugget kids meal with a coke, but don't forget the toy." I say. Mike jots down everything as everyone at the table looks at me, then bursts out laughing.

"What? I like chicken and fries, so why not get a toy with it?" I try to explain myself to them as the laughter cools down. They all roll their eyes before becoming serious again.

"I'll have a hamburger and fries, with a Pepsi." Liam says as he puts down his menu. If I must say, he said that pretty harshly, and I have to admit I wish I said my order like that.

"I'll take a Chicken Sandwich, hold the tomatoes, with a side of fries and water." Zayn answers. I really wish we had a different server.

"I'll have 2 fries, 2 orders of chicken nuggets, one cheeseburger with extra cheese, and alot of ketchup. For a drink I'd like an Orange Soda." Niall says. Of course after he eats all this he's still going to be skinny as heck, because he must be magic or something.

"Okay that'll be ready in about 25-30 minutes. I'm still waiting for that call Ari." Mike says giving me a weird look. I roll my eyes at him, he's not getting that call.

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