Chapter 33

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"You're here flirting with my boyfriend, right in front of me, and you accuse me of being rude? Bitch, I don't think so." I say as I slap her across her face. I have to say, she is putting up a fight. She gets a few good blows to my face too.

"Well if you weren't here it wouldn't have to be in front of you!" She snarls as she tries to deliver a punch to my face, but luckily I duck out of it. As I go to punch her again, someone picks me up and throws me over their shoulder. I pound on their back in protest, but then I realize it's Liam. The girl is still on the ground, trying to figure out what exactly happened. Liam moves me around in his grip, so now he's carrying me bridal style. By the look on his face, I can tell he's not to happy with me.

As we reach the parking lot of the restaurant, Liam places me down on my feet. As if he can tell that I'm about to storm back into the restaurant, he grabs my hand and leads me to the car. He opens the passenger seat for me and when I climb in he shuts the door for me. As he's walking to the other side of the car, I try to plan what I'm going to say exactly.

"I'm sorry." I say right when he gets in the car. He doesn't turn the car on, he just buckles up and turns to me. I can't tell what his intention's are, but I don't think he's to fond of what just happened inside that restaurant. I feel a warm liquid in my eyes threatening to spill over, but I try my best to hold them in. Apparently Liam noticed, because his thumb rubs the liquid away. He unbuckles my seat belt, and pulls me into his lap. He sighs before talking.

"Babe, why did you do that? Ari are you hurt?" He asks. By now I'm crying into his shoulder. I force myself to pull out of his shoulder so I can answer him while looking into his beautiful eyes.

"Liam I'm fine... She was practically throwing herself at you, the giggling, hair twirling, you honestly can't tell me you didn't notice! She was pretty too, obviously she draws attention." I say with a pout. She was a pretty blonde, of course she caught the attention of the male population. She looks better in her uniform then I ever would.

"I noticed, and I was about to ask her politely to leave instead of tackling her to the ground. Now I'm not saying that she was ugly, but I didn't find her to be too appealing. I like brunettes, they are more fun." Liam says as he kisses my cheek. All I can think is atleast he's not too mad.

"Well tackling her is more fun, and what brunettes are you seeing? I thought I was the only one!" I tease him as I shove his chest back. I give him a quick kiss before letting him talk.

"Of course your the only one! Nobody could ever take your spot in my heart Ariadne, nobody. Your the only girl I ever look at, and will ever look at, with attraction." Liam says. I let out an aww, before giving him another peck. I crawl over to the passenger seat, and once I'm buckled up Liam starts the car.

"I love you Liam. I love you alot." I say as I turn on the radio. I forgot I had a cd in, so Midnight Memories starts blaring through my car. I blush, then I quickly try to take the cd out. Liam stops me though before I can go through with my actions.

"I love you too Ariadne. Why did you want to stop this song? You don't like my music?" Liam asks pretending to be offended. I just roll my eyes and he starts the car. "But really, why did you want to stop it?" He adds.

"Umm, because it's weird, it must be weird for you listening to yourself on tape." I say as we pull out of the parking lot. The restaurants only about ten minutes away from Liam's hotel. After I respond Liam chuckles.

"It was weird at the beginning, but I'm gettting more used to it now. Don't worry, I don't care if you secretely listen to our music when nobodies around." Liam jokes. I roll my eyes and just watch outside my window.

-10 minutes later-

"Please Ari? Please Please Pleeaaaassseee!" Harry begs. Ever since Liam went into the bathroom Harry's been bugging me to help him prank Liam.

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