Chapter 21 Part 2

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I stay in the stall trying to muffle my cry, but then the stall door opens. Liam is standing there with a worried expression, but once he realize's I'm okay, he calms a bit. I try to walk past him, but he wraps his arms around me protectively.

"What happened love, one minute you were fine and about to order food, and then the next you come in here crying. Please tell me whats wrong." Liam says as he strokes my hair comfortingly. He lift's me up so I have my legs around his waste, and I'm crying into his shoulder. He starys rubbing my back soothingly.

"Nothing happened. I-I'm fine Li-Liam. Put me down p-please." I say stuttering from my earlier crying as I try to wiggle out of his grip, with no success. I pout, but he closes his eyes so he doesn't give in.

"Somethings wrong Ari, you and I both know it. We can stay in here all day if we have to until I find out what made my love cry." Liam says. I weigh my options, and decide that I'd like to leave the mall before midnight. I sigh before answering.

"Those girls... From the t-table across from ours, they were your fans... I listened to their conversation, and one reckognized me. She commented on how I was with a group of boys, so I must be a w-whore... I'm not a whore am I? How fat I am, how I'm a s-slut... I need more make-up, Liam put me down so I can go buy more." I say wiggling even more. He puts me down but walks us over to a wall. He puts me against it, and he won't let me escape.

"Ari, listen. They weren't fans if they said those nasty lies. Little did the rude one know that I was there with you, and those were your friends. You are not a whore, you are Ariadne Wooster. A beautiful, skinny, girl who is a amazing individual. I will not let you go buy make-up, you don't even need the make-up you're currently wearing. They are insane to call you fat, you are so tiny! I can carry you in one hand if I wanted too. You are not a slut, you don't go sleeping with every guy you meet. Remember the first time we formally met? How you started worrying you had sex?" He asks so I nod my head so he can continue. "That proves you aren't a slut. If you were that profanity you would've been proud to have been in the same bed as me, but you were freaking out about that. Ariadne don't listen to the haters, they don't want you to be happy. I want you to be happy because I Love You." Liam says, I instantly freeze, did he really just say those three words? He is the first person to ever tell me they loved me, in this way. My friends say it to me all the time, but they mean it in a friendly manner.

"Y-you love me?" I ask just to make sure I heard him correctly. I must have heard him wrong.

"Of course I love you Ariadne, why wouldn't I? You are beautifu-" He gets cut off by my lips crashing against his. I smile as we kiss, then pull away. Routinely he pouts, earning him another peck.

"I love you Liam. I love you so much it's not even worth trying to put it into actual words." I say as I wrap my arms around his neck, embracing him. I leave soft pecks all over his cheek, causing him to get a huge grin.

"Can you repeat that Ari? I don't think I heard you properly." Liam says still grinning. I roll my eyes knowing he heard me clearly.

"I, Ariadne Wooster, love the,Liam James Payne." I say in a posh tone. He laughs as I remove my arms from his neck. He leans down offering me a piggy back ride, which I accept.

As we are running down the food court to our table, a security guard yells at us for running. I giggle as Liam mutters some bad words directed to the guard. As we reach the table, Liam sets me down. I take my seat inbetween him and Hayes.

(Liam's P.O.V)

I can't believe that girl a meer 15 feet away from me said those horrid lies about Ari. But what I can't believe more is that Ari says she loves me back. The beauty that I call my girlfriend, loves me back. I'm sure everyone around me notices my idiotic grin, but right now I don't care.

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