Chapter 5

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Liam's P.O.V.

As I'm walking to go ask Ariadne if she wants to come with the lads, Lori and I to her apartment to grab some things for a "mega awesome sleepover adventure" I hear something that splits my heart.

"So how's the summer life treating you Babe?" I hear Ariadne say. I thought she said she was single? Maybe it's just her friend... I know eaves-droppings bad, but it's okay if I "accidentally" hear it. So I sit on my bed and listen carefully.

"Aww, don't worry love! The hangover goes away! And I know, I just miss you already!" I hear Ariadne say into her mobile. Why is someone as amazing as Ariadne dating a drunk? How long has he been gone for? And the most frequent thought flashing through my mind is: Why couldn't that be me on the other end? Why is this getting to me so much.. I mean I just met the lass yesterday! But when she smiles, I can't stop myself from smiling too. Even when I didn't know her name, she was still the most beautiful girl I've ever met. I can't even describe how great I felt when she said I was her celebrity crush. She is just the most perfect person. I bet I couldn't even find one flaw on her if I stared at her for hours. It was like m heart was going a million miles a minute. Why can't I be on the other damned side of that phone!?

"Okay, have fun, and don't do anything I wouldn't do! And you won't even believe my summer so far! I love you boo!" This is tearing me apart... Why didn't she just tell the lads and I instead of messing with my heart? I know I shouldn't make a judgment until I know the facts, but I can't bear let these thoughts leave my mind. Oh, and here she comes.

"Liam?" I hear an angelic voice call. Stay strong Liam, just ignore her. So I stand up and walk to her friend. Time for some answers.

(Lori's P.O.V)

"So when we get to the apartment-" I get cut off mid-sentence by Liam asking me to come on a walk with him. He doesn't look happy either. I agreed to go.

"So why do you want to walk with me?" I ask. I hope he doesn't have feelings for me, I'm sorry but I would never do that to Ariadne. Plus, I like Curly better.

"Does Ariadne.... Have a boyfriend?" He asks a bit nervously. Ah, he must want to ask her out!

"No, Ari doesn't have a boyfriend, may I ask why though mate?" I say.

"Well, I just overheard part of her phone call, and she kept saying "love" "Boo" and "Babe", are you sure she is single?" Liam asks fidgeting with his fingers. He must really fancy her, worrying about her relationship status right now. He doesn't need to worry! She probably was just talking to Taylor! I think to myself in awe.

"No, I'm 100% sure she's single. You should go for her, you already know she like's you, and you obviously like her, and unless you're unavailable then you guys would be perfect for each other! And don't worry about that, her, Taylor and I always talk to each other like that! It's a girl thing Payne!" I say to him. He sigh's in relief. I swear you could see the worry just disappear from around him in those last few sentences.

"Okay, maybe I might ask her out to one date, no harm done right? But what if she says no and it ruins our friendship..." You can just see it in Liam's eyes he's debating every possible outcome for this. Time to intervene.

"Look Payne, as Ari's best friend, I must tell you if you break her heart, you are going to have every possible bone in your body broke. I don't care what boyband you're in, you hurt Ariadne and you're dead." I say in my serious tone. It must've worked, he looks beyond scared now. And with that we walk back to the hotel room.

(Ariadne's P.O.V)

Niall, Harry, Louis, Zayn, and I where on the couch (in that order) watching a new show called 'Crisis' on NBC. (THAT'S A REAL SHOW AND ITS AMAZING!!!) I must say, it is so good! Everytime we see the high school students or parents being torured or hurt, or forced into doing something, Niall looks like he might fall off his seat!l

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