Chapter 27

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Oh.My.Gosh! Niall just asked my best friend to be his girlfriend, she better say yes, because he's all she ever talked about in school.

"Oh...Niall of course! I'd love too!" Taylor says as she swings her arms around Niall. We all aww, and then I clap my hands like an idiot, but everyone joins in.

"Adorable Niall, now there's another gorgeous girl off the market. But we've got to move on. After Harry answers we can take calls from the viewers." Chad says indicating Harry to talk.

"Well Chad. I'm with Louis on being single, but I don't want twitter spams, my phone will explode!" Harry said well waving his arms in the air like an idiot. I can hardly make it out, but I hear Liam sigh in my ear before whispering.

"Harry should have made a move on your friend, then he wouldn't be single." Liam whispers. As I lean up to Liam's ear to whisper back, Louis interrupts us.

"NO PDA OR SECRETS OR WHATEVER YOU TWO WEIRDOS ARE DOING. NO I WON'T ALLOW IT." Louis shouts as he pulls me away from Liam so I'm leaning away from Liam and into Louis. I try to get away from Louis, but then someone pulls me into the air.

"Ahh! Put me down." I say while giggling and punching the mystery persons back. They don't even faulter, so they must be strong.

"Ariadne calm down, it's just me." Liam says as he sits back down on his stool, pulling me onto his lap. No wonder he didn't faulter. I try to go back to my previous seat, but he pulls me back by my waist and gives me a nod of his head no. I move my lips to his ear to whisper something to him.

"Well before we were so rudely interrupted by Louis, I was going to say Harry and Rachel wouldn't have worked out." I whisper quickly into Liam's ear, hoping nobody else noticed. Chad states he's going to answer calls from viewers to get questions for us.

"First caller! What's your question?" Chad says as he plays with buttons on his soundboard. I honestly have no clue how people know how to work those things.

"Hi One Direction and friends! I'm Jade, and my questions for all the girls there! What's your favorite thing to do with your boyfriend of One Direction?" The girl named Jade asks. I already know how I'm going to answer.

"Okay, let's start with Taylor, then Ashley, then Ariadne." Chad points to Taylor while speaking. I pout because I really wanted to share my favorite thing. Liam catches my pout and gives me a quick peck on my lips. I smile instantly as he pulls away. Then Tay begins her answer so I listen to her opinion.

"Umm, well Niall and I usually like to go to the mall, we usually just goof off in the food court. That's one of my favorite things to do with Niall." Tay says smiling as she recalls the times of her and Niall at the mall.

"As for Zayn and I, I like it when we have little fights about the stupidest things, like once we sat on his balcony arguing weather Spongebob or Pepa Pig was a better kids show. I'm team Pepa all the way, but he claims Spongebob is the best kids show." Ashley says as she gives Zayn a smirk indicating she believes she's right. Zayn rolls his eyes before defending himself.

"Actually Spongebob is the best show ever invented, so don't listen to Ashley's weird answer." Zayn says causing us all to giggle except Ashley who gives him a glare. Chad points to me suggesting to share my favorite thing to do with Liam.

"Well, hi Jade! My favorite thing to do with Li Li is cuddle and watch movies. The other day we watched about seven Disney Movies in a row, while cuddling on my couch." I say as I smile up to Liam.

After we answer that question, the boys get asked about their next tour and other things. Then about 5 minutes later, the interviews over and we are all free to go.

As I'm walking with Liam to his dressing room I hear Ashley call for me. I come to a hault and pull Liam to a stop as well.

"Ariadne!" I hear Ashley call. I turn around to see what she wants, and she's dragging a unhappy looking Zayn towards me. This must be good.

"Ari, Zayn, Taylor, Niall, and I are all going out for lunch, and I wanted to know if you and Liam would like to join us?" Ashley asks as she finally reaches Liam and I. I look up to Liam and already see the protest in his eyes, so I pull out my best weopon. I stand in front of him as I face him to get his full attention. I loop my hands through his, and give him wide-eyed puppy dog eyes. I see him starting to ease up, until he eventually lets out a sigh and nods his head a yes. I smile as I lean up to give him a quick kiss on the cheek in thanks.

"We'd love to Ash! How about you text me the address and Liam and I will meet you all there in 30 minutes?" I ask as I'm now facing Ashley again. She let's out an excited squeel before agreeing to text me the address. Her and Zayn walk away leaving Liam and I to go back to his dressing room. Once we get there, all the stylists have left and the only person left is a security guard. Liam waves the guard off saying him and I are just going to play video games, sigh.

"Are we really going to play video games Li Li?" I ask as he picks me up and carries me to the couch. I roll my eyes because it was literally about 5 feet, so I could've walked myself.

"Well, we were, but if you don't want to I'm open for suggestions." Liam says as he kicks his feet up onto the table. He sees me eyeing his legs, and he moves them back to the floor. I then cuddle into his chest and place my head on his shoulder.

"Hmm, we could maybe, I don't know Liam but I don't want to play video games." I groan at the idea. I've always hated video games, except maybe Mario Kart.

"Well love, how about we each go on Social Media and find a cute thing somebody's posted about the other, than we read what the other found?" Liam says already taking out his phone. I agree and grab my phone out of my back pocket, then I scoot to the other side of the couch facing away from Liam so he can't see what I'm reading. I go on twitter, and type in #LiamPayne on the search bar. A lot of things come up, most nice, some bad but then some weird ones. I click one nice one that becomes a little cheeky at the end and decide it will work. It says: #LiamPayne is so sweet! I love him so much, he is perfect. If anyone of y'all are gonna send him hate about #Ariam then I'm going to have to hunt you down! But I still can't wait until the day Liam and I have hot sex and make the most adorable babies the world has every seen, but if not I want #Ariam to work!

"Liam I have to say I have some competition, most of your fans want to do naughty things to you, but I found one that's not too bad. How about you, you find anything about me? It must be hard." I say as I look over to what he's doing. He doesn't stop me from seeing there are over 10 pages of my mentions, so it must not be too hard I guess.

"No, I'm having luck but I have some competition too. A bunch of lads are asking how they can get in bed with #AriadneWooster, but I found one from a fan. Apparently we're #Ariam." Liam says chuckling nerviously. Of course he has no competition.

"Well you have no competition, you're all I want. I've notived that too, I guess Ariam is what we are." I say as I switch phones with him and cuddle back into his chest. The tweet he's on says: #AriadneWooster is so gorgeous! I'm so happy Liam found her, they are adorable together! Ari has an amazingly funny personality I figured out by her tweets, so her and Liam are Per-Fect! Liam needs some happiness in his life, and Ariadne is perfect for that!" The tweet reads. I aww and make Liam follow her.

"Liam I swear you have the best fanbase in the world. They are so sweet!" I say as I take my phone back. I follow the girl that said that about me, and DM her telling her she's perfect not me.

"Well the tweet you found about me was good, until the sex part came up. I'm not having sex with her, or anyone right now, because you don't want to." Liam says as he gives me a kiss, full of heat. I giggle but push him back.

"No Liam, I don't want to yet, besides we have to be at lunch in like, 10 minutes." I say as I get off the couch. Liam pouts but he eventually sighs and follows me out of the room.

We walk to Liam's car and go drive to the restaurant Ashley texted me the address to.

A/N Sorry about the ending, I had no clue how to end this chapter. But in the next chapter they are at lunch, and theres a big surprise coming for Izzy! (She might know what it is already though so she cannot post her prediction!!!) Everyone who isn't Izzy comment what you think Izzy's surprise is, but if Izzy reads this well then Izzy comment what your favorite 1D and 5SOS song is and why. I love you all, byeee!


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