Chapter 44

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Ashley and I are hiding in guest room hiding from Liam and Zayn. I can't believe we just slap cammed them. I'm in the closet and Ashley is under the bed. We heard the boys foot-steps a few seconds ago, so we know they are aware of where we are. (ANYONE NOTICE WHAT I JUST DID? 'WHERE WE ARE'? NO? OKAY.) I'm uploading the video to instagram right now from the closet, and I have my phone on silent. I don't caption it, I just write #smackcam.

After a few moments of silence, I hear the sound I was anticipating, but didn't really want to hear. The door to the guest room unlocks, and then I hear a door open, which I assume is the guest room. I silently crawl deeper into the closet then I already am, until I'm back against the wall. It would help if there were actually clothes in here, but it's just an empty closet with coat hangers.

"NOOOOOO!!! HELP!!!!" I hear Ashley shout. Then I hear laughing, probably Ash's. Then the laughing turns into pants of shortness of breath.

"Where is Ariadne? You tell us where she is, the less punishment you will recieve!" Liam says to her. I know it's her now, I can just tell. She's still panting, but it's getting quieter and quieter. I'm actually a bit scared now, I hope I don't get hurt or anything. But I doubt Liam would hurt me, he loves me too much right?

"Never! You're going to have to find her yourselves! I'll never tell you where she is, never ever ever never." Ashley says in a kiddish tone. I hear her laughter again, and when she finally stops laughing, footsteps are heard again, from right outside the closet door. My breath catches, and I try to keep even quieter than I already was. But I guess something gave me away, because the door opens quickly, revealing Liam who has a smirk. I try to back up even more into the closet, but I'm already against the wall. Liam picks me up effortlessly, hanging me over his shoulder. I bang on his back in protest, and I notice we walk out of the guest room and into my bedroom. He places me on my bed, and as I try to get off the bed, he pushes me down gently, and then starts tickling me. I can't help but to laugh, laugh, and laugh some more. I'm gasping for breath in between laughes, but I have to admit, I've always liked laughing. Liam stops tickling me so I can catch my breath, and once I finally do, he starts his invasion again. After what feels like hours of being tickled, he finally stops, and he's laughing himself.

"That wa-wasn't funny mis-mister." I say between pants. I'm still lying on the bed, probably looking like a dying animal by the way I sound. I could care less though.

"Well it wasn't funny to hit me in the shoulder and yell smack cam, and then post it on instagram missy." Liam says as he pokes my stomach once, indicating I'm the missy. I knew I was the missy already though, there's nobody else in the room.

"Okay fine. We are even now though, okay?" I say as I hold my pinky out to him, which he wraps his pinky around. I look up to him, because now that we're sitting and there's the height difference between us, I have to look up. He's smiling down to me and takes advantage of my looking at him and places a kiss on my lips, before picking me up and bringing me into the living room, where Ashley and Zayn are watching re-runs of The Kardashians. Liam and I join them, but I'm not really focussed on the show, I'm watching Liam's expressions. I never really liked this show anyway, but Liam's reactions are cute to it.

~An hour later~

After watching three episodes of The Kardashians, Ashley and Zayn decide to leave. They thank me for letting them stay here last night, and I tell them it was no trouble. It really wasn't, I love having guests over. It's about 5pm right now, so about dinner time. But I don't want dinner, I want to go to the beach.

"Liiiaaaaammmm, are you hungry or can we go do something?" I ask dragging out his name. I hope he brought swim trunks or something, but I doubt he would. I never asked him to when he called on Girls Night.

"Well, I am a bit hungry but what do you want to do?" He asks as he stands up, taking my hand to pull me off the couch.

"I wanted to go to the beach or go swimming or something like that, but if you don't want to that's fine." I say as I stretch out my legs a bit, then taking Liam's hand and walking towards my room. Either way, whichever he decides to do, eat or go to the beach, we would have to come in here to get ready, or to grab my phone for take-out. Unless we're going to actually cook.

"As much as I would love to see you in a swim suit, sadly I don't have mine. I'm actually running out of clothes that I packed the other day. But I have an idea Ari, how about you pack a bag, swimsuit included, and come spend the night at the hotel with me? Then tomorrow, we can go to the pool there, aslong as no other guy's come. Well I guess the boys can come, but other than them." Liam says with a playful smirk. I blush at his opening line, mentioning seeing me in a swimsuit, and nod my head. He sit's down on my bed while I go to my closet, and grab my zebra print suit case from my closet. I grab a white hoodie out from there too, and put it in the suit case, you never know if it's going to rain. I walk into my bedroom again, and see Liam face-planted into my bed. I let out a silent laugh, and walk to my dresser. I grab some Cheetah print pajamas, a floral print summer dress to wear over my bathing suit, I grab three different bikinis, one blue, one black and white, and one purple one, because that's Liam's favorite color. Then I grab a pair of black leggings, a pair of jean shorts, a purple tank top with a white lace crop top to go over it, and a plain gray t-shirt. I grab a set of flip-flops from my floor, and then Liam and I leave my apartment with our bags.

~4 hours Later~

We just got done eating some pasta that Harry made for all of us, and now Liam and I are cuddled in his bed that I missed. I forgot how comfy it was. His rooms a bit cold, so we have his fluffy white comforter on us. He's a but jittery, I don't know what's wrong.

"Li Li, what's the matter? You won't stop moving around. Are you okay?" I ask as I turn to face him. His face looks angelic of course, but it's just as nervous as his body actions. I hope it's nothing bad.

"Umm Ariadne. I have to tell you something. But please promise you won't be scared okay? Don't be sad either. I love you, okay? Remember that." Liam says still nervously. Right now I'm expecting the worst. He cheated on me, that's what I'm thinking. I don't want to cry, not at all, so I hope he tells me that's not it. I realize we've been silent for awhile now, so he must be waiting for me to respond.

"Okay." I manage to whisper. I start to play with my fingers, trying to distract my mind.

"Well, there's two things." He mumbles. "Okay, well, the boys and I have to change hotels in a week, just for procautions. Incase the fans find us... But the new hotel is an hour away." He says while petting my hair. An hour? He's going to be an hour away from me now? I mean, I guess that's better than what I thought. But I can't really get my hopes up yet, there's still more news.

"Okay." I repeat my phrase from eariler, still playing with my fingers. Liam closes his eyes, and takes his hand away from my hair to rub the back of his neck, a sign of nervousness. This must be worse news. His next sentence breaks my heart.

"The tours date has changed. We don't have until Christmas, the boys and I have until the day after my birthday, then we are gone. Going on a short tour, but a tour all the same. Three monthes in America." Liam says.

OH SHIZZ IM SORRY FOR THAT GUYS. I.HAD.TOO.SORRY. I'm sorry for taking forever to update too, for real I'm having some personal issues, and some issues with others... So yeah. I'm sorry if this is too short too. But the dedication goes to someone I could never stay mad at, one of the best authors in the world, *Cue Drumroll* Maple_Cookiee! She's been my friend for awhile now, all of you should go follow her and read her fanfics! I would dedicate to Ashley too, for always being there for me and cheering me up when I'm upset, but I can only dedicate to one person at a time, sorry girls :( I love all of my readers! Please keep reading, commenting, voting, and following me!!!! Thanks guys, bye!!!


(aka _One-Direction-5SOS_)

From High School To Liam PayneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon