Chapter 22

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As we arrive to Liam's hotel, I suddenly get a wave of worry for tomorrow. Not for meeting his parents, but what if his parents opinion make him look at me differently? He's told me not to worry about this, but I can't help it. We are currently sitting down on the couch trying to pick out a movie to watch.

"How about we watch Avatar?" Liam asks as he flips through the choices on his laptop.

"No Li Li, listen to my magic five words, I want to watch Disney." I say. His eyes widen and he get's a huge grin on his face. He looks just like he did when I agreed to be his girlfriend.

"Ari, are you telling me that you'd like to watch a Disney Movie, or did I hear you wrong?" Liam asks as he's already opening the Disney page. I giggle at his excitedness before answering.

"Yes, I did just say I'd like to watch a Disney Movie, anything that makes Prince Li Li happy." I say as I ruffle up his hair. I lean up and give him a peck on his cheek, causing him to grin more.

"So if I'm Prince Li Li, does that make you Princess Ari?" Liam asks as we both are scanning through the options displayed on his screen.

"Of course, who else would be princess? Oh Stop! Let's watch that one!" I say as I point to Monsters University. Liam clicks it and I clap my hands like a child. Liam rolls his eyes. He lays back down on the couch and pulls me onto his chest. He places his laptop on the coffee table next to us so we can both see it. I cuddle into his chest and he snakes his arm around my waist. I look up at him, and he takes advantage of this and pecks my lips. I roll my eyes at him and turn towards the laptop.

"Liam I want to watch the movie, I haven't seen this one yet." I say turning back to the laptop.

"Then watch it, I'm not stopping you." Liam teases. I just sigh.

~After Movie~

"Li Li, I'm bored, and hungry. Do you guy's have any food?" I call to him. I'm on the couch still while Liams in the kitchen. He ignores me or just doesn't hear me, so I get up with a groan.

I walk in the kitchen, and I don't see Liam. I start to get scared, so I back up slowly. What happened to Liam? Right after I'm about to yell to Liam, I hear something.

"BOO!" I hear Liam shout from behind me. I jump forward before turning to see it was just him. He's now laughing really hard at my reaction. He walks up to me and wraps his arms around me, but I just push him away. I stomp off to his room and lay down in the bed. He follows me, and lays down right beside me. He keeps trying to wrap his his arm around me, but I keep pushing it away. I grab my phone from the bedside table, and make a tweet.

@Ari_Wooster_Xx: Liam's being a meanie :( He scared me when I walked into the kitchen. @Real_Liam_Payne is getting the silent treatment, I know not all of his fans are following me, but those of you who are, can you tweet him saying he's a meanie? Please and thank you! #LiLisAMeanie I tweet.

Liam's phone goe's off indicating he's gotten a tweet or a mention. I hear him chuckle before he tries towraps his arm around me again. I let his arm around me this time because I'm really tired.

"So I'm a meanie who is getting the silent treatment? I hope you know alot of my fans follow you, because #LiLisAMeanie is already trending in the top ten." Liam says to me. I just nod my head yes still not giving him the satisfaction of hearing my voice.

"Please talk to me Ari, I'm sorry. I didn't think you would get scared, I thought you heard me coming. Please talk, please?" Liam begs. I roll my eyes before I turn to face him. I see the pout on his face, so I give him a peck on his lips. He smiles thinking I'm going to talk to him.

"So are you going to talk to me now?" Liam says with a hopeful expression. I roll my eyes yet again and shake my head a no.

"Please Ariadne, How about if I sing you a song, and I'll cook you breakfast tomorrow?" Liam asks with a begging glare. I shake my head yes, giving in because let's face it, I love his voice. He grins and gives me a quick peck, and then starts to sing Little Things. I have my face in a blissful smile, but then theres banging on the wall that connects Liam and Harry's rooms.

"KEEP IT DOWN IN THERE SOME OF US NEED SLEEP!" Harry shouts. I giggle and give Liam a quick kiss.

"That was beautiful Liam!" I say as I leave pecks all around his lips, before planting another final one on his lips.

"You can talk! I was starting to get worried! And than you very much, atlease somebody liked it, unlike Harry." Liam shouts as he bangs back on the wall. I giggle again at there little banging war.

"OH LI LI, WHAT A BEAUTIFUL VOICE YOU HAVE, NOW LETS HAVE REALLY QUITE SEX SO HARRY CAN GET SOME SHUT EYE!" Harry bangs back on the wall while screaming that in a horrible attempt of my voice. I start cracking up along with Liam at Harry's comment.

"Oh let's do that Ari, but instead you scream my name and how much you love me." Liam bangs against the wall again. I hit him in the chest because I don't like how they are suggesting my sex life with Liam really loudly to the whole apartment.

"SHUT UP BEFORE I GO IN THERE! DON'T YOU DARE EVEN HAVE SEX BECAUSE I SWEAR IF ARIADNE ENDS UP GETTING PREGNANT THAT BABY IS NOT STAYING HERE, I'M NOT STAYING UP UNTIL 3 AM TO THE LITTLE THING CRYING!" Harry bangs on the wall again causing Liam and I to burst into laughter. Once we are both done with our fit of laughter, we both get back under the duvet and lay down cuddling. Liam puts his head on my shoulder and gives my neck a few kisses.

"Goodnight Li Li, I love you." I say as I yawn. I feel Liam smile as he pecks my neck once more.

"What was that Ari? I don't think I heard you correctly." Liam says as he plants one kiss on my cheek. I roll my eyes at the game he's trying to get me to play. Not happening.

"I said goodnight Li Li I hate you." I tease as I give him a kiss. He pouts at my answer, so I give him a longer kiss before answering again.

"Just kidding! I said goodnight Li Li, I love you. I love you. I love you." I say. Each time after I said I love you, I pecked his lips. He ends up smiling and pecks my lips once before nuzzling into my neck to give us both a more comforting position.

"I love you too Ari. I, Liam Payne, love Ariadne Wooster." Liam says as I feel myself drift off into slumber.

A/N THIS IS LIKE A FILLER CHAPTER, TOMORROW ALL THE GOOD CHIZZ HAPPENS. ARI'S GONNA MEET LIAMS MOMMA AND DADDA. Haha not really called Momma and Dadda, but you get the point! Thank you all for the reads, votes, and comments! Keep up with them please! I love you all!


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