Chapter 52

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"Do you really want to go to your flat? Or can we go to the hotel? You haven't been there in awhile. How about, you go upstairs and pack a bag, and you can spend the night at the hotel?" Liam asks as he pulls in the driveway. I honestly don't care where we go, as long as the cute puppies get to come.

"Okay, but what about the puppies? Are you allowed to have pets there? Will the boys care?" I say, looking down at the sleeping puppies in my lap. I don't want to wake them, they're too cute, but I'm going to have to.

"No, I don't think we are allowed to have pets there. But, they never said we couldn't sneak pets in. So, we shall sneak them in. The boys probably won't care, I think Zayns going to Ashley's and Niall's coming here with Taylor anyways. So it's just Louis and Harry. The puppies come with us obviously, they can't be trusted at your place which they've never seen before, all alone. Go get a bag, I'll wait down here with them." Liam laughs, taking them from my lap and moving them to the backseat. They don't seem to mind the transition, as they're now running and jumping all around the back. I give Liam a kiss on the cheek and then get out of the car, going to my flat to pack a bag. I unlock the door, and walk in quickly almost not shutting it behind me. I go in my room and grab my zebra print bag, bringing it to my closet. Grabbing a batman tank-top and a blank purple tank-top, my batman snapback, a pair of jeans and a pair of leggings, I throw them all in my bag. Then I shut my closet door and head to my dresser, pulling out a pair of gray sweats and a orange pajama top. Replacing my dress with those, and my heels with white bunny slippers, I'm ready to leave. But not before throwing my dress in the washer, and putting the dishwasher on. Shutting off all the lights, I grab my key and my bag, locking the door behind me jogging down the stairs to Liam's car.

"What took you so long? And nice outfit, by the way." He laughs once I'm in the car all buckled up as he pulls out of the driveway.

"Shut up, I didn't take too long. I had to pack a bag like you said. And I changed into my pajamas. Then, I had to put my dress in the washer, I couldn't just leave it in the hamper. And since I was already in the wash room, I went to the kitchen and put the dishwasher on. So that's why it took me so long. And my outfit is perfect, right?" I laugh, gesturing to the crappy tank and sweats.

"You did take awhile Ari. Fine, I guess I'll have to deal with the fact that my girlfriend takes forever to get ready." He laughs, earning a mock slap to the shoulder. "But don't worry, I love her anyway for it. I was serious, you look nice. But change of plans, I texted the lads saying you were coming back with me, and Niall and Zayn brought the girls back too. So looks like it's a full house tonight." He says pulling into the lot of the hotel. That's perfectly fine, I love the girls. If Liam and I want to be alone we always have his room.

"That's fine. But again, how do you plan on getting these puppies up there?" I ask, shrugging to the adorableness in the backseat.

"Well, you do have a bag. Put Jessie in there, I've got Woody. I'm already loving the names." He laughs, opening his door and getting out of the car. I grab my bag from the car floor, and do the same as him. I open the backseat door and grab Jessie, placing her in my bag, leaving the zipper partially opened for her safety of course. Liam grabs the box they were in only about an hour ago, and puts Woody in there, shutting the box. The box had holes, so it's safe. He shuts both doors, and we're off.

I carry my bag awkwardly through the lobby, even though the only person there is the doorman. He doesn't even acknowledge us, he just lets us go to the elevator and go on with our night. Finally up the elevator and walking through the threshold of the hotel, I ease up knowing we didn't get caught.

"I feel like a little kid again. Trying to hide something from my parents and succeeding." I laugh as Liam closes the door. "Can I let her out of my bag in here, in your room, where?" I ask, lifting the box indicating that's what I'm talking about.

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