Chapter 39

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Just like a little kid on Christmas, I run to the bed. But then I remember Liam's in the room, so I run back to him and give him a quick kiss. He's smiling as if this is bringing him joy.

"Is that for me?" I ask as I tilt my head to the side, like a dog would. Liam let's out a chuckle, but then nods his head. I give him a small smile, then intwine our fingers. I pull him over to the bed and once he's seated, I take a seat in his lap. I give him a peck on his cheek before I begin to look into the basket, and I take out this huge teddy bear. It's a fluffy white bear.

"Awww, it's so cute! Did you pick out, or did you have help?" I say as I give the bear. It's so cute, I love it already.

"I picked it out love. Do you like it?" Liam says as I place the bear beside me.

"I don't like it." I say. Liam looks sad for a moment clearly not catching on to where I'm going. "I don't like it, I love it Li Li! I'm going to name him... Hmm, I'm going to name him Leeroy." I say with a smirk. Liam gives me a smile and I give him a hug before going back to the basket. I pull out this purple hippo thing, and it's such a pretty shade of purple.

"This one's purpley no doubt about it. She is going to be like the queen of all my stuffed thingies, because she's royal purple." I say as I place her next to the bear. Liam let's out a chuckle.

"Such a creative name. Leeroy was a pretty good one, did you get it from BSE?" Liam asks raising his eyebrows. I playfully push his chest. But we both end up giggling at me.

"Hey, don't laugh at my creativity! I'll have Purpley kick you out of the kingdom. Leeroy is the guard of the kingdom, so theres no way you can come back once you're kicked out." I say while giggling. Liam's laughter fills the room and when we finally are done laughing, I grab the final stuffed toy from the basket. It's a cute little Seal, and if I didn't meet Liam, I would think it was the most adorable-ist thing in the world. But I have met Liam, so it's the second most.

"Okay, this one is too cute. It's almost as cute as you, almost. You name this one Li." I say as I turn to look at him. He's looking at me like I'm some sort of reward he won, but he quickly looks at the seal. He returns his glance to me before answering.

"Well, maybe you should name it Ray. I don't know, it just seems like a pretty cool name. I like it." He shrugs. I give him a nod, and put Ray next to Purpley and Leeroy. I give Liam a kiss and when I finally pull away, I look at the perfection I call Liam. I don't know how one person could be so perfect, it's just not explainable.

"Thank you Liam. These are perfect, why did you get them though? Is today an important day and I just forgot about it? I know it's not my birthday, that's not until next week. Your birthday's after that, so it can't be that. What is it?" I ask as I try to think. We didn't really discuss doing anything for our anniversary or whatever, but it's too soon for that to happen either.

"No, no reason love. Don't think to hard into it, there's no occasion. I just wanted to see you happy. Now finish going through the basket, theres more." Liam says as he places a kiss atop my head. I smile at him a final time before looking into the basket. I take out a purple vase filled with roses. Not just any roses, long stemmed ones, the one's that cost more. I count them, and there's fourteen in all,and then theres another vase of flowers, so I can imagine how much Liam spent on them. Now I'm trying to think about how much everything Liam bought costed, and the stuffed toys seem to have costed a good amount, and then theres these flowers, the basket, whatever else is in that basket, and I know theres not really anything I can buy him right now that will be equivelent to this. I pout as I put the vase next to me.

"Whats wrong? Do you not like them Ari? I can go get new ones, I'll be right back, don't worry." Liam starts to say before I silence him with a quick kiss. I put a smile on my face before I start.

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