Chapter 8

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~Next Morning~

I wake up with a slight headache, but it's my fault for drinking. I feel protective arms draped around me, so I turn slightly and see a sleeping Liam next to me. Awww! He's adorable when he sleeps! I'm not going to wake him! I'll make everyone breakfast in bed, I guess I'm the only one awake. I think. I get out of Liam's arms carefully trying not to wake him. Before I'm completely out of my room though, I hear him mutter my name. I mentally awe remembering about what he muttered last night. When I'm in the hall I look at the clock and it reads: 7:03 AM. Not too bad.

As I walk by the guest room I hear alot of shuffling and moving around, I wonder what's happening in there! Oh well, Tay will tell me later.

Once I get to the kitchen, I grab bacon, pancake's, and eggs. I cook the bacon crispy, but not burnt. The pancakes come out a golden brown, which looks perfect! I decide to make scrambled eggs, because I don't know how everyone like's their eggs. If they want something else I'll make it. I eat my breakfast in the kitchen, so nobody see's me eat. I don't think I eat alot, but when someone watches me eat I start getting paranoid over wether I'm eating too much. Once all the food's done, I knock on Taylor and Niall's door. I very sleepy yet happy Niall answers the door.

"Oh hey Ariadne! Is this for me?" He asks pointing to the plates of food. "Yes, one plates for you, and one's for Taylor. Don't eat it all Niall!" I say sternly to him.

"No promises!" Niall say's back smirking. Oh what to do with the Irish boy.

I then grab Liam's plate and walk back into my room quietly. He's already away now though, and it look's like he's on twitter.

"Hey Li Li, I made you breakfast. If you don't like it tell me, I can make you something else." I say while setting the food in front of him.

"No, no! You're not going to make me something else if I don't like it! Thank you love! You made me a perfect breakfast in bed, while I was sleeping! I have no right to criticize your cooking skills!" Liam scolds me as I sit down next to him.

"Whatever Liam. Just go back to what you were doing and eat. But seriously though, if you don't like it tell me. I can make something else."I say.

"If I eat, what do I get?" He asks me while going back to his phone.

"If you eat, you get... A hug?" I say. But it comes out more like a question. Liam get's off his phone and start's eating. He smirks at me first though. Right after he put down his phone, mine goes off. I unlock the home screen and see I have one twitter notification.

'@Real_Liam_Payne: I just woke up to breakfast in bed. Thank you @Ari_Wooster_Xx for the wonderful evening yesterday!' It reads. I retweet it and make my own tweet saying '@Ari_Wooster_Xx: No problem Li Li! @Real_Liam_Payne, and if you don't like the pancakes, I bought them from the bakery, if you did like them I made them!' I tweet.

"This is delicious, thanks love! Now about that hug... Can I get a kiss on the cheek instead?" Liam asks with puppy dog eyes.

"Hmm, alright. You win this one, Payne." I reply back with a smirk plastering my face.

"Yay! Okay, I ate all my food, I get my reward." Liam says tilting his head. I just shake my head and laugh. At first I give him a hug, then right as I am about to peck his cheek, he turns his head so I kiss his lips instead. I pull away laughing.

"Oh Li Li, a little cheeky this morning now are we?" I tease him. He just smiles back shyly.

"Don't be shy now!" I say smirking. Now he's blushing and I feel bad, he's getting embarassed for that? That wasn't even bad!

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