Chapter 20

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(Continuation of Last Phone Chat) (A-Ari I-Izzy B-Brent M-Matt)

A-It's Liam Payne. I know you don't believe me, so go on his twitter.

~Few minutes later~

I- Oh.My.Zayn. HOWWWW???????????? I can't believe you found him!


M- Wow.

A- Brent don't! Pllleeeeeaaaassssseeeee! I'll do anything! Izzy I can't even believe he talked to me, let alone is going out with me! He told me he wants to meet you guys tomorrow, he knows there is going to be annoying questions asked, but please guys be easy on him. I really do like him.

M- I just want to meet the guy. I just have one question for him, and I'm done. The question is going to be: What are your intentions with our Ari?

I- I'm making a test booklet for him with Hayes right now. There's no going back Ari.

A- PLEASE DON'T IZZY! Pleaaaassssseeee!?

B- I am asking him questions first, I call dibs! It's a celebrity we're talking about, so will he like be in disguise? Or are we being mobbed? THAT WOULD BE SO MUCH FUN!

A- Sorry to ruin your fun Brent, but he's probably going to be wearing a lame disguise. He came to visit me at work once with Niall in a really weird disguise, claiming he was 'John Doe'. Imma end this chat now, bye guys!" I type as I end the chat. Ugh, tomorrow's gonna suck. My friends are probably going to scare Liam away, but I hope not. I can't believe his mom wants to meet me, I mean I want to meet Karen, but I'm scared. She's not going to like me, or maybe she'll think Liam's too good for me. I don't disagree with that.

Right now I'm sitting on my bed waiting for Taylor to come home, she's at Nando's with Niall, I hope they don't see that Mike guy there. I'm really bored, but I don't want to talk to Liam. I don't want to be the type of girlfriend that needs to be around her boyfriend all the time, no that's not me. I am already seeing him tomorrow, so I'll just text someone. I go threw my contacts, and I decide to text Zayn.

"Hey Zayn, I don't know if you have my number but it's Ari." I send. He didn't ask for my number but I have his. Maybe Liam gave it to him, but I just wanted him to know who I am.

"Hey Ari, yeah I didn't have your number, sorry love! So you and Liam made it official over twitter? Nice way to add drama to our fandom haha. So how have you been? Haven't seen you in awhile. Oh Liam says hi." He sent back. I guess Liam's with him, should've known. I'm not really too smart.

"Tell Liam I said hi. I've been good Zayn, and you haven't seen me because I'm a ninja! Always there, but never seen! Haha. How's yourself? Hey, can I text you without Liam seeing, or anyone else? I can tell Liam's reading over your shoulder." I send back, chuckling to myself. If I can be classified as a ninja, then Taylor is secret sevice.

"Sure love, just one second. I'll tell them I'm going to my room. Okay, I'm in my room. I forgot to hit send at first haha. I'm fine too, but what did you want to talk about, 'ninja'?" It reads.

"HEY! I am a ninja, okay Malik, get that through your head. And I wanted to talk about a few weeks ago, when I was 'asleep' with Liam on your sofa in the living room, I don't know if I dreamt it or not, but I thought I heard you say you have a girlfriend named Ashley? Be honest, I won't tell anyone. Sorry if I just imagined it, I'm just curious." I send to him. If I recall correctly, I think that's what he said. I might have been asleep though.

" Whatever Ari. Oh, and ummm yea... I have a girlfriend named Ashley, you must've overheard. Sorry for not telling you sooner, but I just didn't want paps finding out, you know? But her and I agreed later on this week, probably on Sunday, I'm going to tell our interviewer for a magazine. I heard about your trip with Liam, so just make sure you're back from his mums by 4 pm. That's when our interview is, and they will definetely ask about all of your tweets and about your relationship. You should come, watch from backstage maybe? Ashley's going to be there, so you can meet her if you'd like. Why didn't you want Liam to read about that?" It reads. Of course I'd like to meet Ashley.

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