Chapter 36

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Just as I'm about to go find Izzy to get away from this guy, Taylor sits down next to me. I feel a bit better now, because I'm not alone and have a better chance of not being attacked.

"Hey! We just got back, Ashley went with Izzy inside of McDonalds, so it's just us for a bit." Taylor says. She then looks a bit worried before she adds, "Hey Ari, are you okay?".

"Oh, yeah! I'm fine, I was just a bit creeped out by being alone. Izzy and I found some fans, and they saw you, Ashley and I, so don't be surprised if 3 girls come and ask for a photo." I say as I put a smile on my face. Taylor sighs in relief.

"Okay, you just looked like you saw a ghost or something. As long as you're better now, thats all that matters. So where else did you and Izzy go?" Taylor asks pointing to the bag of baby supplies.

"I just bought her a few things for when the baby is born. Plus I bought her some maternity clothes, so when she shows she'll have good looking pregnant clothes. Want to see them?" I ask her? She nods her head excitedly as I take the bags. I show her the bottle and swing first, then the clothes.

"Those are great! Izzy's going to be the best pregnant woman and best mom ever." Taylor says with a smile. I'm about to tell Tay about the guy with the beard, but then Ashley and Izzy walk back to our table.

"So what are the plans for the rest of the day? Are we just gonna walk around the mall and stuff?" Ashley asks as she opens her bag of McDonalds. Izzy hands me my happy meal, and sure enough the toys inside.

"Nahh, we will stay here for about another hour, getting our nails done and going to the hat store and stuff. I need new Snapbacks. Then I was thinking we go watch a movie, and finish the night off by going out for a few drinks. Sounds good?" I ask as I tweet a picture of my Happy Meal Toy with the caption: @Ari_WoosterXx: @Real_Liam_Payne, yes I made sure they remembered my toy! :)

"Yea, that sounds fine." They all say in unison. I'm now playing around with my toy, and it's a little stuffed cat. It's cute, and I'm adding it to my collection of McDonalds toys at home. I take a bite of my fry's, and give Taylor my chicken nuggets. I'm not really in the mood for meat, and Taylor didn't get anything.

"Thank you." She says with a smile. We finish eating shortly, and walk to the nearby hat store.

(Liam's P.O.V)

I'm so bored, there's nothing for me to do. I've been sitting here waiting for a call from Ari, a text, Snapchat, tweet, Facetime, anything. All I've recieved is nothing. Just as I'm about to give up and call her, I get a tweet. I open it quickly to see if it was my love.

@Ari_WoosterXx: Heeyyyy guys! I just met three of the most amazing One Direction fans ever! @FakeAccount1 @FakeAccount2 @FakeAccountio3 ! @Real_Liam_Payne please follow them babe! I love you! " Is what she tweeted. She says she loves me, and I keep reading that over in my head. When I finally come to my conclusion it's true, she does love me, I finally follow those three girls on twitter. I send them all a thank you for being kind to Ari DM. I'm about to go talk to Louis, because I'm still bored. But then I get another tweet.

@Ari_WoosterXx: @Real_Liam_Payne, yes I made sure they remembered my toy! :)" And attached to it is a picture of a little stuffed cat, and I can picture the smile Ari has looking at the thing. I retweet it saying @Real_Liam_Payne: Of course you did @Ari_WoosterXx , you wouldn't miss the chance to get the little cat now would you! I miss you babe, I hope girls day goes by quicker than it is, I love you!" I say. I lock my phone, and instead of going to Louis I go to Zayn and Niall.

"Zayn, Niall! Come here!" I shout as I get to the living room. Zayn comes first, followed by Niall. We all sit down on the floor, rather than the couch.

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