Chapter 7

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The next morning we are all embarassed about the other night and agree not to talk about it until later. Zayn offers to drive Lori and I back to the apartment, but Lori ends up staying. Once I get back home, I immediatly call Taylor. Apparently we all woke up at 4 pm, 3 hours until the double date!

On the 6th ring, she answers

"HEYYY GURL! I'm on my way over right now!" Taylor says

"Good! I thought you were bailing on me! If you need you can borrow something from my closet!" I say back not wanting to sound rude.

"Okay, will do! NOW LET ME GO IM DRIVING!" Taylor yells right before you hang up.

~15 minutes later~

Taylor is here and in the 10 minutes she's been here my room is now scattered in clothes of all sorts. Of course she could wear any outfit I own and make it work, but she wear my purple tie-dye short-shorts and a light purple floral tank with a black jean jacket. She looks awesome! I can't decide what shirt to wear, but I'm wearing backwards ombre jean short-shorts (White on top, dark blue on the bottom). I have 2 shirts in mind, either my black tank that reads in white"Love today, live tomorrow". Or my light pink tank that reads in black " Me? Crazy? I should get down off this unicorn and slap you!". I end up wearing option number two, why not be a bit sassy tonight? Taylor and I both wear black gladiater sandals. She has her hair in a perfect braid while mine is straight waterfall braid to make it look fancier. She has just simple eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss on while I'm wearing smokey eye's for my eye, and a sparkled lip gloss on with foundation on. We look good. Right as we were going to call and say we're ready, there is a knock on my door. I run for it and standing outside of the door when I open it is Liam and Niall. They're even more stunning than I imagined, and when Taylor see's who's here, she gives me the "THANK YOU SO MUCH ARI YOU ARE TRULY THE BEST FRIEND EVER' Look. I give her a smile as if to say 'Act cool!'. Niall is dressed in a black t-shirt that says "Princess needed!",cargo shorts and blue sneakers. Liam is wearing a Navy Blue and White button down plaid t-shirt and also a pair of cargo shorts. He's wearing black sneakers.

Liam breaks the silence by saying "You look absolutely stunning Ariadne! You too, Taylor." Liam says checking me out.

"Thank you, Li Li! Not to bad yourself, I love your tee!" I say, causing Liam to blush, I mentally aww thinking of how I make him go.

"You look amazing Taylor! How haven't I met a gorgeous girl like you yet?" Niall says while checking Taylor out. Taylor is definetely fangirling right now, but she's hiding it pretty well. But she can't stop her blush from appearing.

"Thank you Mr.Horan! You need a princess, maybe I'm her! I love your music by the way, your voices are perfectly harmonized!" She says to both boys who thank her. I can already tell this night is going to be perfect.

~1 hour later~

Once we arrived at Nando's, we get a booth for four, me and Taylor on one seat and Liam and Niall on the other.

Niall and Taylor are getting to know each other with questions like: "So where are you from?" And also "What's your favorite color?" And all the sweet details like that. Well on the other hand Liam and I know a bit about each other, and we are talking about funny stories from our past at the moment.

"I swear, when 'Jersey Shore' came out I was forced to watch every episode with my sister, she was in love with that one guy Mike "the Situation" until she found out he did drugs! Then she liked Pauly D, and I think she still does!!" Liam claims. I don't believe him, but it's still funny to hear someone say that so I laugh, and he smiles.

"I don't believe that! Every episode?" I say, while giggling. After that the waitor comes over. He only talks to me though, which I find weird.

"Hello, I am your waitor for the night. My name is Michael(A/N: NOT MICHAEL CLIFFORD), but you can call me Mike. What would you like for drinks?" Mike asks staring at me, making me feel insecure. Luckily we discussed this in the car, so someone else can talk.

Liam clears his throat to get Mikes attention and says " We'd like 4 jello shots." Liam says to the waitor.

"I asked this lady right here, but coming right up." Mike says. While he writes down our drinks he asks what we want, we all just get the Peri Peri chicken because Niall reccomends it. Mike keeps staring at me though witch I find a tad creepy.

When the waitor comes back, he hands everone their food but slips a small letter under my plate. I leave it there for awhile to talk to Liam and eat. After my foods gone, I pick it up and it reads "Here's my number cutie, 8038023575 (A/N: I MADE THIS NUMBER UP) Call me! ;) EWWW!

"Ew!" I say dropping the letter.

"What is it love?" Liam says. Niall and Taylor don't say anything though because they are too caught up flirting.

"That weird waitor guy gave me this." I say while handing Liam the note.

Liam turns red and Niall must notice because he calls a different waitor over asking for take out bags. Once our food is settled in bags, we fight over who pays. The boys end up winning, but we insist on doing something in return for them as we walk out of the restaurant.

"They could give us kisses for paying for dinner." Liam and Niall say at the same time, I bet they planned this! Oh well, I'm not missing this chance to kiss Liam.

"Let us decide if that's reasonable." I say, giving Liam a smirk.

Once me and Taylor are far enough away that they can't hear us, I whisper to her " Let's do it, but let's mess it up first. Like, lets make them close their eyes, and we kiss them on the cheek to make them pout, and once they do we peck their lips a few times." I say. Taylor get's devious eyes, and we quickly run back to the boys.

"So boys, we thought it over and we decided that your request is reasonable. But you must close your eyes." Taylor and I say in perfect sync with each other. The boys quickly nod in agreement and close their eyes, and pucker their lips. Taylor and I quickly glance at each other, and smirk. Then we get in close, breath on the boys lips, and move swiftly and place a kiss on their cheeks. They both open their eyes, and as we expected they pout. Thats when Taylor and I start showering the boys with pecks on their mouth's. I feel Liam smile into the 3rd one, and when I go in for the 4th, he stops me from pulling back and we start making out right there. We all then get into the car, Niall is driving, Taylors shotgun, and Liam and I are in the back. Once we get to the apartment, since it's very late and we're all a little drunk I invite everyone to stay the night. Lori's still at the boys hotel, but she doesn't like anyone in her room. We have one guest bedroom so Taylor and Niall take that while Liam and I take my room. I give Taylor a pair of pajamas, good ones so she can impress Niall further. No telling what's going on in that room tonight! Niall and Liam claim they sleep in Boxers only, which is good because I have no male clothing here. I quickly change and get into bed followed by Liam. I cuddle into his bare chest, and give him a goodnight kiss. Once I know he's asleep, I start to drift off and I hear him mumble:

"I, Liam Payne take Ariadne Wooster to be my lawfully wedded wife..." And with that I start my own dream, of mini Liam's and Ari's running around a house of which Liam and I live.

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