Chapter 55

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Of course I stopped at my apartment before heading out to pick up Izzy. While I was in my car with the puppies, I thought about something. I am Liam's girlfriend. And that doesn't matter. But what does matter, is I'm Liam Payne's girlfriend. He's famous. There's definitely a camera or two waiting for me to be in public. And having them spot me in a hoodie and sweats, not really the best fashion statement. So I quickly sent Izzy a voicemail telling her I need to make a pit stop first.

It's kind of exciting having the puppies here for the first time, I get to see if they like the place or not. After all, this will be there home for awhile now. I have to carry them up the stairs, they don't have leashes or collars yet. I don't know how I plan on taking them out shopping without those, but I will make it work.

'Thought you might need these :) -Taylor.' A note reads that was on the kitchen table, and next to it is a black collar and leash and a purple collar and leash. Thank you, Tay. It is greatly appreciated. I put the puppies down, and let them go explore. They both take off in different directions, Woody goes to the laundry room and Jessie runs toward the Dining room, and I laugh going to my bedroom.

I still plan on wearing Liam's hoodie. It should be acceptable. And if it's not, oh well. I tried. I'm just going to, maybe wear jeans and converses instead of the sweats and flip-flops I'm currently sporting. And that's exactly what I do, I go to my closet and grab a pair of gray jeans ad a pair of black converses. Not that it spices up the outfit, but it is better than before. I straighten my hair as well, and put on eyeliner and mascara.

"Jessie, Woody!" I call, unsure if they even know their names. But sure enough, eventually they come to the kitchen. I get their collars on and the leash, not even sure if I did it right might I add, and then head out of the apartment while locking the door behind me. Luckily the dogs are small, because if they were fully grown I would've been pulled down the stairs.

-Finally at the mall.-

So I picked Izzy up, and her shirt is perfect. Since she's starting to grow a baby bump, that is. 'You can touch my stomach if I can punch your face.' It reads. It's obviously a maternity shirt. And I'm just loving it.

"So do you have any new information on my little God-Daughter or God-Son yet?" I ask her as we walk around the pet store. The cool thing of this store, is you can walk your dog with you. As long as it's friendly to other dogs. And since I've got two, and they don't seem to hate each other, I should be fine.

"It's a she." Izzy states.

"Wait what? It's a girl!? What's her name going to be? Can I go buy her all sorts of little girl things?" I start blabbering as we make it to a dog food aisle. I don't know what type to get really, so I just get two big bags of 'Puppy Chow', and a few cans of 'IAMS'. Seems good enough for food. I'll have to experiment with what they like and don't like anyways.

"Yeah Ari, it's a girl. Calm down." Izzy laughs, grabbing some dog toys and tossing them in my carriage as we go. "I'm not too sure on the name yet, Hayes and I discussed Elaine, or maybe Alyssa. Maybe even Hannah, who knows." She shrugs. If you were wondering, the dogs aren't too bad. Just sniffing almost everything.

"Those are all really, really cute names! Since you didn't answer my question, I'll take it as I can spoil your daughter. So, be prepared for her to come back after visits with awesome Ariadne with lots of cool treats and toys and stuff." I laugh.

"Whatever, you do that and Hayes and I will spoil your children, whenever you and Liam have any that is." She laughs, stopping me to look at these cute dog beds. And when I say cute, I mean beyond adorable. So I grab two, a black one with white polka dots, and a purple one with white polka dots. I don't care, they are beyond adorable.

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