Chapter 10

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"Of course I found out! I heard it through the wall Niall!" I screech at him. I really want to laugh though, his face is priceless.

" I-I'm sorry, w-we were drunk, I-I'm really s-sorry Ariadne." Niall says. He looks so scared of what I might do to him. So to make this even more fun for me, I make it seem like I'm about to slap him, and once he turns away I give him a friendly hug. He just looks at me as if I grew a third eye. I pull away and start talking.

"It's okay, well not okay but my reaction depends on your answer. Did you just use Taylor for your... Needs or do you really like her? I know you've only been on one date but do you think there might be something worth investing time into?" I ask looking Niall dead in the eye.

"Of course I did not just use her! Taylor is an amazing person, if anyone uses her they must be mad!" Niall shouts, looking offended that I just asked him that. Awwee, he cares!

"Okay Niall, calm down! I as her best friend had to ask that. Now that we're down with that, you may go. You're dismissed!" I say as I ruffle his hair. I then walk back inside to the living room. When I get there I see Liam is asleep on the love seat couch, so I walk over quietly. I sit down next to the couch and as quietly as I could, I go up to his ear.

"Liam, wake up! Help me Liam I'm being attacked by robbers!" I whisper-yell in his ear.

He immediatly wakes up and grabs the television remote and start swinging it around looking for a robber. I start to crack up, causing him to glance at me.

"Ari, are there really robbers, or was that some cruel joke?" Liam asks, still holding the television remote. I'm still laughing, but I manage to answer in between giggles.

"No, There -giggle- aren't any robbers -giggle- here, sorry Li -giggle- Li!" I say as I stand up and run away from him.

"Oh Ariadne, when I catch you you are gonna get it!" Liam says chasing me down the hallway. I run in the first room I see, which happens to be a bathroom. I quickly run inside and lock the door before Liam can come in.

"But you can't catch me Liam, I'm the gingerbread woman!" I say while sitting down against the door.

"Dang it Ari! How about you let me in, and I won't be mad at you?" Liam asks, I can picture the pout plastering his face. The bottom of the door has a spacing small enough to fit my thumb, and probably fit Liam's pinky, this gives me an idea.

"Liam, if I let you in you have to pinky promise you won't be mad." I state, staring at the spacing under the door.

"How am I supposed to give you my pinky if you locked the Damn door?" Liam asks. I think he's getting mad...

"You promised not to be mad! And at the bottom of the door, there is a spacing. I'll put my pinky under it and through your side of the door you wrap yours around it, okay?" I ask while putting my finger under the door.

I hear Liam sigh and mumble an okay, and then he wraps his pinky around mine.

"I promise I won't be mad once you open this door." Liam says. After he say's that I pull my pinky away and unlock the door. I stand up and try to run past Liam, but he catches me and throws me over his shoulder, so I'm facing his back and he's holding my knees. I start banging on his back.

" Li Li put me down! I'm sorry just please put me down!" I say as I bang his back.

" So you want me to put you down, eh?" I can just picture a smirk on his face and I feel his grip loosen on my knees.

" NO PLEASE LIAM DON'T DROP ME!" I say grabbing his back, like a backwards hug. He starts laughing and I hear a door open. I try my best to look around and see I'm in his bedroom. He manages to shut the door while holding me with one hand, it must hurt carrying me around. It feels like he's going to drop me so I close my eyes waiting for me to hit the floor. I feel myself in the air and pout, but then I realize I'm on the bed, and Liam is sitting at the other end of the bed criss'cross apple sauce style smirking at me.

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