Chapter 4

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Once we all are done eating breakfast, the boys say Lori and I are fun to be around, because we seem like a good time. So they tell us they're going to be here until Christmas, so we can hangout until then. We all then swap numbers and I decide to forget about my past with Louis. We all become bored pretty fast, so we decide to play a game. Oh what a bad decision that will turn out to be for me.

"Let's play freeze tag... NO! HIDE AND SEEK! I haven't played that since the X-Factor! PLEASE?!" I hear Louis say.

No Louis! Remember what happened last time?" Harry says.

"What happened last time? Please tell me!" Lori and I say at the same time.

"Maybe another time love." Liam says looking directly at me. I know this might sound sappy, but I swear a zoo just went off in my stomach when Liam said that to me. Oh my gosh, I can't do this again. Not since last time.

"Truth or Dare!" Niall's voice booms. Ugh, that game always leads to making out. No way I'm playing that. If I have a choice..

"20 Questions!" Harry and Lori say at the same time.

"Anything but Truth Or Dare, we play that ALL the time Niall! And whenever we play we always end up drunk, these girls don't need that! They just recovered from a hangover!" I hear Liam say.

"Truth Or Dare!" Zayn says. (A/N in my fanfic, at the moment, all the boy's are single.)

"So Ariadne, I guess you're the tie breaker!" Liam says as everyone fights about which game to play.

"I say 20 questions!" I say louder than everyone, stopping everyone from arguing.

"Fine, but since Ariadne broke the tie, she has to go first!" Zayn says acting like that will ruin it for me.

"Okay Malik, game on!" I respond with a grin. He thinks he can make this bad for me, oh watch me Malik. This is my game. And you just turned the game on.

"So, do you have a boyfriend?" Zayn asks, grinning like this is a deal-breaker for me. Nope.

He thinks he can embarass me that easily, hah, nope! "None at the moment, next question!" I say.

"Do you live with your mum and dad?" Niall asks. Easy one, Niall!

"Nope, I live in my own apartment with Lori!" I say. Glancing at Lori. "She actually just moved in yesterday." I add.

"That's me!!! Haha I'm special, I was used in her answer!" Lori said, grinning.

" Hmm, do you have a celebrity crush?" Harry asks. Oh. Styles. Why? Why that question. Fine, 1-Styles 0-Wooster

Shit.. "Umm, yea I do." I say trying to act cool about it.

"Are they in this room?" Niall asks. I swear I wanna punch that leprechaun right now..

".. Yeah.. They are." I mumble. Well I can probably guess the next question.

"Who is it?" Zayn asks eagerly. If I didn't know better, I'd say he likes me. But it's Zayn Malik we are talking about, obviously not.

" I don't want to ruin a possible friendship with him.." I mumble yet again. I've been mumbling a lot this morning.

"We promise it won't! Don't we lads?" Harry says, and all the boys nod. " And if you answer this one it can be the last question you answer, then you ask some questions!" Harry pleads.

I sigh. "Fine, it's Liam." I say barely louder than a whisper.

"Who? Zayn?" Louis asks.

"Ugh, no it's Liam okay? I like Liam. Next round." I say blushing.

"See love, that wasn't so bad!" Zayn says chuckling.

"Malik if you want to keep that pretty face of yours I suggest you drop it." I say back, meaning none of those words at all but it still makes him shut up. Ha, I'm good. Ariadne-1, Malik-0.

After a few more rounds of 20 questions, we find out if Liam had to date a girl in the room it'd be me (SCORE), if Harry had to it'd be Lori, if Zayn had to it would also be me, if Louis had to he said he'd date my dress, but not me. And Niall said food. We just let Niall say food because there's no telling him food isn't really alive. If Lori had to it'd be Harry, and if I'd had to it'd be Liam, obviously.

"I'm going to go on the balcony to make a call." I say.

They all nod there heads while focusing on "The Amazing Spiderman" on the television.

I grab my phone from the room I woke up in and walk out to the balcony. I select the name I want to talk to, and hit the call button.

After 4 rings I hear: "Hello? Ariadne?" I hear my friend Taylor say.

"TAYLOR! I MISS YOU!" I shout into the line.

"I missed you too babe!" She responds. I can picture the smile on her face now. See, Taylor is always perky and looks on the bright sides of things.I can totally picture her living with Lori and I, but my apartment's only 2 bedroom. She has a thing for Niall though, I should probably hook them up or something.

"So how is the summer life treating you babe?" I say.

"Eh, it's okay. It's only one day into the summer though! But I can say I hate hangovers." Taylor says.

"Aww, don't worry love! The hangover goes away! And I know, I just miss you already!" I tell her.

" I miss you too Ari! How's the summer treating you? But I got to go, I'm going to the club tonight! I gotta finish getting ready! Love you boo!" Taylor says to me.

"Okay, have fun, and don't do anything I wouldn't do! And you won't even believe my summer so far! I love you boo!" I say to her as she ends the call.

I go on twitter and scroll through some things. I notice all the boys but Niall are following me now, oh time for that Irish boy to get a talk from me! But hey, 4/5, this calls for a tweet!

@Ari_Wooster_Xx: 4/5 are following me now? This is the best day of my life so far! But what about @NiallOfficial ? I thought we had something special! :( I tweet.

After that I just check my Facebook, nothing new. I walk back in and see a very angry looking Liam Payne sitting on the bed staring at me . What did I do? I think.

"Liam?" I say. All he does is stand up and walk away.

What happened?

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