Chapter 40

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I feel someone gently pushing my shoulder and whispering 'Ari'. I let out a moan, I'm still tired. But then I quickly realize it's Liam, so I smile and sit up. He's looking at me with the same expression.

"What do you need? I hope you realize I woke up only because I knew it was you. If it were anybody else, I would still be asleep." I say as I stretch a little bit. I wish we were cuddling right now still asleep, I'm tired from walking around the mall all day yesterday. Liam lets out a chuckle before motioning me to climb in his lap, which I do.

"Well now I feel special. I don't need anything exactly, but I ordered breakfast from this take out place, and it's sitting on the table right now. Oh, and your present is in the kitchen too. Let's go eat yeah?" He asks as he strokes my hair. I really am lazy, for real I'm so lazy. I don't want to walk the few feet seperating the kitchen and my room.

"Only if you carry me. I'm feeling lazy." I say as I cuddle into his chest. His chest rumbles as his laughter fills the room. I feel him move my body around, and then he stands up and carries us both off into the kitchen. He places me at one end of the smaller kitchen table rather than the dining room table, and places a kiss on my forehead. He walks to the kitchen island, and grabs some bag from a donut place with two coffees. He sits next to me, and hands me the lighter colored coffee.

"I don't know if I remembered exactly, but I think I remember you saying you love Butter Pecan Coffee, so that's what I got you. If you don't like it we can share mine, it's just Mocha. They're both ice coffee though." He says as he opens the bag. He pulls out one bagel and one Chocolate Frosted Donut. "Which one do you want?" He adds.

"Thank you Prince Li Li. Umm, can I have the bagel please? You remembered correctly, this is one of the only coffees I drink." I say as I take a sip of it, to proove my point. He gives me a small smile and hands me the bagel, along with Cream Cheese. I wrinkle my nose, and push the topping back to him.

"What do you put on your bagel then?" He asks as he places the Cream Cheese back into the bag, and then he takes a bite of his donut. I take a bite of my bagel before I respond.

"Nothing. I don't like anything on my bagel, it makes it feel funny. Plus, cream cheese smells funny." I shrug. Liam laughes and takes another bite of his donut, and then his expression changes to one of excitement.

"Ariadne! Here, read this, but don't cry. If you cry, I'm going to leave. I don't like it when you cry, even if they're happy tears." He says as he hands me a purple envelope. I open the the envelope, and inside is a letter. It reads:

Dear Ariadne,

Okay, bear with me because this is going to seem so cheesy and sappy, but I swear I mean every word of it. I love you, I love you more than you'll ever know. I love you higher than you can count. I love you longer than the distance from Earth to Pluto, 48 times. I love you. Each day I awake, I feel around for you on my bed. Or your bed, or the couch. Whichever place it is I fell asleep. If I find you, I smile. But on the occasion you aren't with me, say if we didn't stay the night with each other, I just sleep longer, because my dreams are filled with you. There are 525,600 minutes in a year, 31,536,000 seconds a year, and 365 days a year, but still there is no doubt in my mind one year will not be enough time for me to know you. Its going to take years, decades, centuries until I've had enough of you. Each night I go to sleep, I picture thoughts of you. My love, my dearest Ari, I love you. I can't get enough of you. You are brilliant, funny, insecure, childish, gorgeous, stunning, caring, lovable,obnoxious sometimes, BEAUTIFUL, perfect, and so much more, the list could go on forever. Even when you are obnoxious, like when you get mad at me for buying you things, you're amazing. Even when you are insecure, I love you. Even when you are childish, I know there is nobody else on this planet I'd rather call mine. I loved you yesterday, the day before that, weeks before then, today, and many days to come after this. I love you. I don't know how many times I can say it, but I love you.

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