Chapter 26

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(Liam's P.O.V)

Ariadne just asked me to move in with her, and now she's fast asleep on my chest again. Did she mean it, or was she just tired? I decide to just leave it be and if she asks again when we are both really awake, I'll answer it. Even though I woke up only minutes ago, a sudden wave of energy loss hits me, probably from all that kissing. I reposition my angel on me to make both of us have a more comfortable nap, and then I drift off.

(Ari's P.O.V)

Liam and I just woke up from a very long, peaceful sleep about 20 minutes ago. Right now we are in the dining room with his mother and father eating breakfast. I'm eating a bowl of cereal, Cheerio's to be exact. I'm trying to fish out the remaining spoonful of them, but they're being so stubborn. I roll my eyes and give up on it. I stand up to go wash my dish, but then Mrs. Payne has an offended look on her face. What did I do?

"I'm just going to go wash my dish, don't worry I wasn't going to leave it here." I try to explain.

"No Ariadne, that's not your job. You are the guest, you relax and let me take that." She says reaching for the bowl. I hand it to her before speaking.

"Are you sure? I could alway do it for myself, I don't want to be a burden Mrs.Payne." I say trying to reason with her, it was my dish I should wash it. She just waves her hand in the air to dismiss my reasoning.

"Nonsense Ariadne! Stop being so kind, it's just common sense for the guest to relax, don't worry about it dear. And stop calling me Mrs.Payne, it makes me feel old. You can call me Karen." Karen says with a friendly smile.

"Alright, thank you very much Karen, for everything. Letting me stay in you home, cleaning after me, and for that delicious meal last night." I say to her as I return her smile. She nods her head in acknowledgement and then walks off to the kitchen. I take a seat beside Liam, and he wraps his arm around me. He's eating Corn Flakes, and is having the same problem I was, he can't scoop the rest of the cereal onto his spoon. He sighs as he gives up.

"Mom! I finished eating." Liam calls from the dining room. A few seconds later his mother pokes her head into the doorframe.

"Well Liam you have two legs, get up and come wash it." She says with a tad smile escaping her lips.

"But you took Ariadne's bowl, and dad's, why can't you take mine?" Liam complains. I giggle at the whole ordeal but immediately stop once Liam gives me an evil glare.

"First, Ari is a guest of ours and you live here. Second, your father is my husband, so I can help him out with whatever I feel the need to." Karen says as she walks back into the kitchen. I giggle again not caring at the look Liam shoots at me. He pouts though, so I peck his lips and bring his bowl into the kitchen. I turn as I'm walking away and he's smiling at me. I return the action and then go drop off the bowl to Karen. As I walk back into the dining room, my phone goes off. I sit down before looking at it. It's a message from Niall. (N-Niall A-Ariadne.)

N- Hey Ari, Management just told the lads and I we have to remind you and Liam to leave his parents in 30 minutes if you want to make it to the interview in time. Just thought I'd text you, since Liam always leaves his phone places.

A-Hi Niall. I'll pass the message on to Liam, thank you for reminding us. Tell Tay I said hi and that I miss her already, and that we can have a girls night out tomorrow with just the two of us. I'm already nervous about today and if I tell Li Li he'll just tell me everythings fine, so I'm going to ask you. Is there anything special I should where there or no?" I send. Liam asks who I'm talking to and once I say Niall he just rolls his eyes. I don't even bother asking.

N- No, just wear normal clothes and it should look good. They might not even call you out, but even if they do it's just a radio interview love. Don't worry about what you look like, just wear jeans and a t-shirt or something. That's what Taylor and Ash are doing. But I'm going to let you go get ready, oh and Taylor said sound like a plan." I lock my phone after I read that because it's not worth responding to. I look over to Liam who looks so cute with his brow furrowed as he looks at his phone, like hes trying to decipher something. I peck his cheek, and he looks at me questioningly.

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