Chapter 48

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"Ariadne, babe. Wake up." Someone says to me while shaking my shoulder. I groan and try to roll over, only to be caught in two familiar arms, Liam's. I want him to put me down and let me go back to sleep.

"Ari, come on. You've got to wake up." He whispers as he places me back to wherever I fell asleep. I feel around for the blanket that was on me, and wrap it around me again, hopefully giving him the message I want to sleep.

"Babe, come on, just wake up." He says again. I sigh knowingly because it's obvious to me now that not going to win this little fight. I roll back over to face him, but keep my eyes closed incase he's going to let me go back to sleep after I give him what he wants.

"What do you want Liam? I was sleeping." I groan in a mumble. I'm really tired, I don't even know how late we stayed up, but it was pretty late. I could probably sleep all day, but that's if Liam would let me.

"Open your eyes." He says sternly. I groan again, but open my eyes. Liam's sitting on my parent's coffee table in the living room holding a cupcake on a small plate with a candle in it. He has a smile playing on the corner of his lips. It's my birthday, I guess I sort of forgot. I mean, I know we came to my parents for my birthday, but when I woke up, I was only thinking of going back to sleep. "Happy Birthday Ari!" Liam says as he lets the smile cover his face. He's obviously excited about this, so I'll be excited too for him. I smile at him sleepily.

"Thank you Liam, I love you." I say in a happier tone than before. Suddenly the light goes on in my parents walk in with a plate of more cupcakes. I laugh seeing Liam with the single cupcake, and my parents with a bunch more. But Liam's is more special than the others, he picked it off the tray and put the candle in, thought of it without my parents like a adorable boyfriend.

"I love you too. Now blow out the candle and make a wish, before I drop this thing." He says as he sits beside me on the couch. I count to three, and blow out the candle, making a wish like Liam told me to. My parents clap their hands after they put the other cupcakes on the coffee table.

"How does it feel to be twenty Ari? Does it feel any different than yesterday?" My dad asks as he takes a cupcake off the tray and hands it to my mother. Liam gives me the one with the candle, and my father hands him another one for Liam, and then finally gives himself one. I'm wearing a smile on my face, it seems that my parents are getting along just fine with Liam, and that's why we even came here.

"No dad, it feels the same. I'm just tired, I don't think I got the best sleep last night, we went to bed a bit late." I laugh as I take the wrapper off of the cupcake. They're a vanilla cupcake with Blue Butter cream frosting. They're adorable. And they taste good too.

"We were going to go all out and throw you a party, but Liam told us you didn't want anything big? You just want to spend a lazy day at home?" My mother asks as she takes a bite of her own cupcake. I take another bite of mine while nodding.

"Yeah, that's right. I don't really want anything or a party, I've already got everything I want." I shrug as I stand, going to throw the rest of my cupcake away. I'm not too hungry, it's too early for this.

"Well, if you change your mind and want to come back here, I can always call up some of your girlfriends and throw a party together." My mum cheerfully says, she's always wanted to be a party planner. When she says girlfriends, she means my close female friends. Just thought you shoulf know.

"Okay mum, I'll keep that in mind. What time is it?" I ask as I plop back down on the couch. It must be really early if I'm this tired.

"It's ten in the morning love." Liam chuckles beside me as he finishes his cupcake. He's looking around, and I realize he's looking for the trash. I grab the wrapper from his cupcake and throw it away, then sitting down again.

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