Chapter 50

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Seriously, who planned this? There's so many people in here, I see Ashley,Izzy and Taylor front and center, and they're all smiling. Then there's all the boys, Niall, Harry,Louis and Zayn, right behind the girls. My parents are even here, and Liam's parents. Brent, Cam, Hayes, Nash, all of them are here too. Wait, who's that... No, that's not him, it can't be. Is that, is that Justin? Is Justin Timberlake really here? No, I must be seeing things.

"Did you plan all this? Li, please tell me you didn't plan this." I ask, turning to him with a few tears brimming in my eyes. I can't believe someone took the time to plan me a party like this, it's so perfect. All the people I love are here. Liam smiles at me, and nods his head.

"It's perfect... Too perfect. I can't believe you did this, I love you Liam." I say attacking him in a hug, planting a kiss on his cheek, followed by another to the other cheek, and finally a passionate kiss to his lips.

"It's just a small thing I did. In no way does it compare to your perfection, so really, you shouldn't be thanking me. I should be thanking you, for granting me the victory of calling you mine." He says once I pull out of the hug. He's so cheesy, and I love it.

"Stop, seriously stop before I cry. It's really perfect, it's amazing. Liam are you like, making a list of ways to add onto your charm? Because if you are, this finished the list. I don't think there's any way you could get me to love you more than I do right now." I tell him as he intwines our fingers, and leads me to the girls while he chuckles at my lame list theory.

"Hey Ari! Were you surprised? I'm sorry, I would've told you, but Liam made me swear not to. I almost spilled when you came home all sad like, but I pulled it together. I hope you like it, we all had a role to play here." Taylor laughs, greeting me in a hug and pulling me away from Liam, and into our little group of friends. Liam laughs and walks over to the boys, wanting me to spend some time with the girls I suppose.

"Yes! I was very surprised Tay! It's all good, I love it! It's amazing, I can't believe Liam planned all this! You all had a part, I'm guessing you were supposed to keep me from coming here or something? Make sure I didn't leave the house early or something?" I say once all the other girls are in ear shot. It's gotten loud in here, not like I didn't expect that from this many people here.

"Yeah, Taylor made sure everything at your flat went well. Your friends Brent and Cam made sure you were dressed up, and that you weren't too down about not spending the day with Liam. I booked the place, got all the food ordered, and got the DJ. Izzy helped Liam with all the invites, all the decorations, all the details, and all of that stuff. Liam orchestrated the whole thing, it was his idea. Oh, and Izzy and I made sure the cake was perfect, it totally fits you." Ashley laughs when she gets to the ending. I want to see this cake, I hope they didn't make it bad or anything like that, my parents are here.

"Oh gosh, please tell me the cake isn't bad. Izzy, you helped make the invitations, you do know my parents, and Liams parents are here, right? It's nothing I wouldn't want my parents to see?" I ask her, hoping for a good answer.

"No, it's fine don't worry. Your parents have seen all the pictures we used, it's fine Ari. Since I know you're going to ask, we took some of your old photos and put them on the cake, some of your best moments from your twenty years. There's some other things too, but I think you'll love the pictures." Izzy says.

"Well can I see the cake? What pictures do you mean? Just bring me to the cake, please. You're scaring me Izzy!" I laugh, taking Izzy away from the girls who are laughing at my expense. It's all good, I know they don't mean harm. They're joking around, I know that.

"Here it is. Now, when you are done examining Ash and I's beautiful project, go see Hayes and the boys. They wanted to talk to you." Izzy says leading me to a table of food, and at the end of the table there is a bakery box. I take a breath, then open the box revealing a marvelous cake. I look at the cake, and it has pictures of my childhood. My kindergarten picture, a picture of me at a swimming pool when I was a toddler, a baby picture, some pictures of me and friends from when I was a teen, and a bunch of school photos. It's amazing, seriously. To top it off, at the top there's one of those little One Direction pins, and it has Liam's picture on it. Right next to it, in purple frosting it says 'Happy Birthday Ariadne!.' I sigh in relief, and then make my way to find Hayes, like Izzy told me to.

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