Chapter 47

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"Okay, so you really think they'll like me? Are you sure I shouldn't go get flowers or something for your mother?" Liam asks frantically as we drive to my parents house. He keeps asking what to say and if he should go buy something for my parents.

"Liam, they will love you. I don't know how many times I can say it. You probably shouldn't get flowers for my mum because she couldn't keep a plant alive for her life. Just be yourself babe, I promise if you be yourself they'll love you." I say as I lean over the seat to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. He looks at me with a smile for a few seconds before focussing on the road again. My parents don't live too far from my flat, about thirty minutes if you drive. I'm hoping this gives Liam less time to second guess himself.

"Turn left here, once you get on this street, it's the third house to the left. We aren't making any more rights okay? Are you okay Li?" I ask him as drive ahead for a few more minutes, then we reach my parents street and Liam lets out a shaky breath.

"Yeah. I'm fine Ari, don't worry about me, I'll probably be fine once we get in there. This house right?" He asks once we're stopped outside of my parents house. I nod my head, and he pulls his car into their driveway. I go to open my door, but he stops me.

"Babe, what if they're watching us? I don't want them to think I'm not a gentleman. Let me get it okay?" He asks. I nod my head and give him a quick kiss before he climbs out of his side of the car. He runs his hand through his hair nervously, then he comes to my side and opens it for me. I give him my hand to hold to hopefully calm his nerves a bit.

"Do you want to bring our bags in now or should we wait? Would your parents care?" He asks bringing us to a stop on the pathway to the front door. I give him a side hug, and tell him it doesn't matter before we start moving again. Once at the front door, Liam goes a bit pale from nerves. I give his hand a reassuring squeeze, and then he knocks the door. A few seconds later, my mother opens the door.

"Ariadne! I've missed you so much, I'm glad you could make it!" She says pulling me in for a hug. I drop Liams hand to hug her back, then a few seconds later I pull away and take his hand again.

"Mum, this is Liam. Oh, and I missed you too." I say giving Liam another hand squeeze and my mother a pleading smile. I really don't want her and my father to make Liam any more worried than he already is.

"Oh hello Liam! I haven't talked to Ari lately, but you're even more handsome then I expected! Come in come in!" She says moving out of the door way for him and I to walk in.

"Hello Mrs.Woodster, how are you today? Sorry it took so long for us to meet, I guess I've been busy with my job, and talking to Ariadne. She asked me earlier in the week to come meet you and your husband, so here I am." He says in a soft tone. My mother leads us to my old kitchen, where my dad is seated at the kitchen table.

"Ari! Come here." My dad says as he puts down the paper he was reading and stands. I drop Liams hand again and give him a small smile before I go over to my waiting father, giving him a hug. He rubs my back with his hand before releasing me, and I go back to Liam so he doesn't start freaking out again.

"Dad, this is Liam. Liam, this is my father." I say as I walk back over to the table with Liam. Him and I sit next to each other, and my mother sits next to my father. I hold Liam's hand under the table so he doesn't feel out of place.

"Oh hello, Liam. Nice to finally meet who's been chatting up my daughter these past few monthes. A little late I'd say, but better late then never." My father tells Liam as he sits back down, readjusting in his seat before pulling it in. Liam's moving around alot, so I let go of his hand and rest it on his knee cap, hoping it will calm him better. I know he's focussing on my father so he's not seeming rude, but I know the small smile that appears on his face is for me.

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