Chapter 6

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*Did Liam really just ask me if I wanted to go on a date with him? I think.

"Liam, is this like a prank or something?" I ask.

"Ariadne, why would I be pranking you? That's something Louis would do, not me." Liam says. He still seems frightened for my answer, but he's trying to play it off coolly.

"Yea, of course I would love to Liam!" I say. He just gives me a shocked look then gives me a giant hug. He has a huge smile plastered on his face now. Wow, I wonder why he wanted to go out with a girl like me. I think.

(Liam's P.O.V)

Did she really just say yes that easily? Really... Wow. But. Am I ready for a date with Ari? I like her, don't get me wrong. But what if I mess it up somehow. Maybe I can have one of the lads come with us, but they must bring a girl.

"Hey Liam, could my friend and Niall come to make it a double date? I kinda hooked them up a date, and I think this is the perfect opportunity." Ariadne tells me. Perfect! I think.

"Of course love, whatever you want to do is fine. Is tomorrow far enough away for her to make it?" I ask her. I hope it is, because I don't want to have too much time to overthink this.

"Um, let me text her. Don't tell Niall this, but she really likes him! But they don't know who is going out with who. It's a double date!" Ari tells me excitedly. She must enjoy playing match maker. And you want her to be your match. My subconscious adds. No need to deny it.

"Okay, I will get out of here for you to finish up packing. We leave in 10 minutes, so be ready!" I say while walking out of the room.

"Okay Liam, I'll be out soon!" The angel behind me says. She is really perfect. My subconscious adds, and I nod in agreement to him. He's a pretty smart lad. But he better not try to steal her from me.

(Ariadne's P.O.V)

I can't believe Liam Payne actually wants to go out with me. I really don't see why. Well, time to ask Taylor about Tomorrow!

(T= Taylor A= Ariadne)

A- Hey babe!!! I have AWE-MAY-ZING News!

T- I was about to text you! Oh my Gibbles what is it?

A- Well, I got asked out by... Someone. And they are friends with your mystery date, so care to go on a double date tomorrow night?


A- Um, lemme ask when and probably at my apartment. Oh and OF COURSE WE CAN GET READY TOGETHER WHY WOULDN'T WE?

After I send that text, I shout, "LIAMMMM!!"

He comes bolting in, with a scared expression on his face. It was priceless! So I start cracking up.

"What is it Ariadne? Did you need something? Did someone break in? Are you cancelling for tomorrow? Did the fans send you hate, because I didn't think they knew we were in Doncaster, sorry if they are!" Liam starts ramming me with questions.

"Liam, its okay! Nobody broke in that I know of. I hope nobody did! Of course I'm not cancelling for tomorrow, you can't get rid of me that easily! And no fans have sent me anything, no new followers, no new friend requests, no nothing! I was just wondering where we are going tomorrow for the date, and what time. My friend and I are going to get ready together tomorrow, so she needs to know what time she should get here." I say while trying to calm him down. It's so sweet how he's getting worried about me, even though we haven't been on one date yet. And you love this Ariadne, but be careful one day it might get taken away. My very rude self-conscious tells me. Shes a bitch, oh well, what can you do?

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