Chapter 17

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(Liam's P.O.V)

I wake up in the morning with a big smile on my face. I look to my left, and there the most beautiful Angel lays, Ari. She must've rolled out of my arms last night. I get out of the bed, and decide it's my turn to cook her breakfast. I try to leave her room without waking her, and it's a success. I go to her kitchen, and open the fridge. In front of me I see Bacon, and eggs. I decide to make sunny side up eggs with bacon, and then I have a fun little joke for Ari about the bacon. I grab two frying pans from the third cabinet I check. I go over to her oven and put the burners on. I place the pans on and start cooking the bacon and eggs. Niall's the first to walk out, probably smelling the food from down the hall. I chuckle, and then hear a groan. I turn around and Taylor's sitting next to Niall at the table. Some of the bacon and eggs are down, so I grab two plates and put some on both. I then go hand each of the seated people a plate. Niall just starts digging in, but Taylor nods her head in appreciation. I just wave it off.

I get back to cooking, and soon here a loud thump. The thump came from Ari's room, so I quickly turn the burner on Low and go see what made that noise.

As I walk in her room, Ari is now laying down on the floor rubbing her head. I run over to her and lift her up, and she wraps her legs around my waist.

"Ari what happened? I was cooking and I heard a noise." I say as I rub her back.She has her head burried in my neck, but she leans up to my ear to answer my question.

"Nothing Liam, I just fell out of the bed. I was trying to reach for you, but then I ended up rolling off the side." She says while she giggles.

"I'm sorry, if I was there you wouldn't have fallen would you?" I ask, now looking her in the eyes. I pout and she starts giggling again before pecking my lip. I learned a few days ago everytime I pout, I get a kiss. I pout again, and she pecks my lips again. But before she can pull back I pull her neck back down to connect the distance between our lips. She smiles into the kiss. As I bite her lip asking for entrance, she accepts it. I explore her mouth. She just giggles and pulls away, but gives me a quick peck before hopping off of me.

"I was having fun! Can we do that again later?" I ask with a smirk. She just shakes her head and walks into her bathroom. I yell to her to come to the kitchen after she's done doing whatever it is she's doing. I go back to the stove and see that the food hasn't burnt luckily. I start to grab a plate for our food as Ari walks out of her room, wearing one of the outfits I bought her and her hair in a ponytail. She comes to see what I'm doing, while I pull her in for a hug and kiss her forehead. Then I let her go.

"So Ari do you like bacon?" I ask getting to my joke. I smirk, but she doesn't seem to notice.

"Of course I do Liam, thank you for making it!" She says as she gives me a peck on the cheek for appreciation. She then goes to grab a piece, but I stop her to get to the rest of my joke.

"Wanna strip?" I ask winking. She hits my chest as Niall and Taylor are laughing. She then steals the plate from the counter and runs over to the table, eating a piece of bacon smirking. I pout as I walk over to them lot.

" You didn't answer my question Ariadne." I say pouting. She gives me a quick peck while Niall and Taylor aren't looking, and then I smile. I grab a piece of bacon and start munching on it.

~After Breakfast Ari's P.O.V~

"Hey guys, I have an amazing idea!" I say smirking to Niall and Liam, then Taylor.

"What would that amazing idea be love?" Liam says playing with my hair, as I'm on his lap.

"Why don't we play..... TRUTH OR DARE! But not with alcohol, to start!" I say. They all nod in agreement but laugh at my little bit about alcohol. I think it's safe to say I tend to drink sometimes, but I'm not an alcoholic. In the past month I've drunken once, and that was at the club with Rachel. Oh, today she came by and packed her things, apparently she hated me, so she was moving to New York. Fine, I don't need her.

" Fine, but I go first!" Niall says. We all let him go first.

"Ari, truth or dare?" Of course Niall asks me.

"Dare!" I say as I get off of Liam, and pull him to the floor and take place next to him. Niall and Taylor join us, forming a square-ish figure.

"Hmm, I dare you to.... let Liam tweet anything off of your account!" Niall says. Liam thanks Niall as I hand him my iPhone. It's my baby, he better not hurt it.

"Ari, it would help if it was unlocked." Liam says chuckling. I take my phone back, and quickly enter my password hoping nobody would notice what it was. Liam obviously did though, because he's smirking now.

"What is it mate? You look like you've just gotten to see your family after tour." Niall says staring at Liam.

"Oh, it's just that Ari's password for her phone is Lia-" Liam starts to answer before I cover his mouth with my hand while I blush.

"Fine, we'll find out later when she answers truth!" Niall says grinning. I just roll my eyes.

So Liam clicks my twitter icon, and tweets this: @Ari_Wooster_Xx : Hey guys! Did you all know that @Real_Liam_Payne is the biggest and bestest in bed? Mmm just thinking about it makes me feel good! Haha just kidding guys! I haven't hit that, yet ;) But I wanted you all to know that Liam is the sexiest guy on earth and he is just yumm! Mkay, bye! I roll my eyes but let him tweet it. I shut my phone off, not wanting the notifications to inturrupt this.

"My turn! Taylor, truth or dare?" I ask grinning.

"Truth! No way am I getting dared by you again! Last time I ended up in nothing but my bikini throwing Hot Dogs at Tom in a parking lot!" Taylor says shivering at the memory. I laugh before telling her the truth.

" So Taylor, Is it true that you used to have a crush on The Biebs? I remember Sarah telling me you did, but I didn't know if it was true." I say giving her an easy one.

"Yes, but that was before One Direction!" Taylor says trying to defend herself. I laugh getting up to grab some drinks, which means alcohol. I grab a case of beer from the pantry and bring it back to the living room, getting a can for myself. I open it and take a sip, as everyone around me is. I can feel the buzz, so I can tell that after a few cans I'll be drunk. I decide I'm only going to have two cans, enough to get a good buzz but not completely drunk yet.

"Hmmm, Niall truth or dare?" Taylor says. She has a lower alcohol tolerence, so she'll be out before me.

"Dare!" Niall says. Taylor smirks before answering.

"I dare you and Liam to take your shirts off!" She says. I crawl the little space over to her and give her a high-five. The boys groan, but do as told. This is going to be a fun night.

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