Chapter 41

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After getting off the phone with Ashley, I decided I'm going to call my dad. I still have to ask him if I can have a job at the Apple Store, which he manages. Plus, I know he's going to want to discuss Liam, even though I don't want to, I'm going to have to eventually.

"Liam, I'm going to make a phone call. I'll be right back okay?" I tell Liam as I climb out of his lap, which I was sat while we watched some documentary on a guy named 'Pancho Villa.' I didn't really want to watch it, but Liam said it was either that or another shark show. Well, I found out Pancho VIlla was the Mexican Revolutionary.

"Okay love. I'll be waiting here for you! Hurry back, I love you!" Liam calls as I walk into the guest bedroom. I'm going to make the bed in here, because you never know when you're going to get guests. Plus, I want something to do while I'm talking to my father. I'm kind of scared to hear what he has to say.

I dial my father's number, and put my phone on speaker. I place it on the headboard of the bed, and grab the comforter from the floor as my phone rings. My father picks up on the third ring.

"Hello? Ariadne? Is there anything you need?" My father asks. Well, atleast he's not yelling at me for the way our last conversation ended. And atleast he's not yelling either. I quickly put the comforter on the bed, and then I talk.

"Umm yeah, hey dad. I uh, I got fired the other day... Don't worry, I did nothing wrong. But I was wondering, is there anyway you could get me a job at The Apple Store? Or is that illogical?" I ask as I try to get the creases out of the comforter. This is one reason I didn't want a guest room when I bought this place, because I hardly find time to tidy up my bedroom, let alone this one. I hear my father sigh.

"No, I can get you the job. We actually need a cashier right now, so you're in luck. I was kind of hoping you'd want to talk about, well, your boyfriend. I know you don't like these conversations kiddo, but we have to get it done sooner or later. And I'm only getting older." My father says. Now it's my turn to sigh, and I sit down on the bed I just made. I take the phone off of speaker, and put it up to my ear.

"Okay, what do you want to know?" I ask innocently, as if I don't know where this conversation is headed. He's going to ask for the name of Liam, he's going to ask how he is famous, how I met him, how long we've been together, and when my dad get's to meet Liam. I already know that's how this is going to work.

"Well, what's his name? When do I get to meet him? How is he famous? How long have you been seeing him, not dating, seeing? How did you two meet?" My dad asks. Yup, he covered everything I thought he would.

"Well, his name is Liam Payne, and we met at my work. He's famous because he's in the most successful boyband of the year, One Direction. I've been seeing him since my last day of school. And since I know you're going to ask, he's twenty." I say into the phone. Right now I'm wishing I was with my dad, because it'd be easier to explain this to him.

"Oh...Kay. Well you never answered, when do I get to meet him?" My father asks. Well I don't know.

"I don't know. I can ask him if he's not busy this weekend, since it's my birthday. Maybe him and I could drive up there, celebrate it with the family." I mumble. I really just want to have a party with friends, but my dad wants to meet Liam, and so he shall.

"Okay, that works. So what are you doing right now kiddo?" My dad asks. He's always called me kiddo, and sometimes I like it but other times it's annoying. Atleast I'm not with him in public right now, then it'd be worse.

"Nothing, I was just watching tv with... Someone, but now I'm making the guest room. I've been meaning to make it for awhile now, but I just got around to it today." I say as I get off the bed, and walk out of the guest room. There's nothing I can really do in there anymore.

"Oh okay. Who were you watching television with?" My dad asks as I make my way out to the living room. Liam hears me approaching, and so he turns the tv down.

"So who were you on the phone with babe? Was it one of the girls?" Liam asks. Shit, now my dad knows I'm with Liam, or maybe he thinks its a different guy.

"Umm hold on a second dad. No Liam, it's my dad..." I say to them. After I talk to my dad, I pulled the phone speaker away from my mouth, in hopes my dad didn't hear. Liam's lips form an 'o' shape, and he walks pats the spot next to him on the couch. I sit there, and Liam takes my phone away. I'm about to protest, but he puts the phone on speaker as he pulls me onto his lap.

"Hello Mr.Wooster, I'm Liam." He says in a polite tone, laced with worry. I give him a small smile, and pet his hair trying to soothe him. He returns my smile, but removes it as soon as my dad responds.

"Oh hello Liam. So you're dating my daughter, eh? Well, why do you like my little Ariadne?" My dad asks. Sometimes my dad can be annoying, like now, but I love him. He's just trying to keep me out of harms way. But little does he know Liam couldn't even hurt a fly if he wanted to, he's to perfect.

"Yes sir, I'm in a relationship with your daughter. Well, what is there not to like about Ari? She's perfect. She's funny, smart, caring, devoted to the right causes, she's just amazing. She's gorgeous too, that's just icing on the cake." Liam tells my father, as he scruffs my hair. I give him a scowl and he just smiles innocently at me.

"Well atleast you care about my kiddo. Okay, here's the deal. Stop calling me 'sir' and 'Mr.Wooster', you're making me feel old. Call me Stephen, okay? Second, if you don't hurt Ari, we won't have a problem. Now don't even respond, just hang up. Tell Ariadne that I love her. Okay, bye Liam." My father says. Liam does as my dad wishes, and he hangs up.

"Well that went rather well. I was expecting your father to attack me, but he seems like a nice guy." Liam says. I nod my head, and give Liam a kiss. He never fails to amaze me.

"You're amazing. And you're too perfect for me, you know that right? I probably don't deserve you." I say as I rest my head on his shoulder, with my legs on each side of his waiste. He's rocking us back and forth, it's really soothing.

"Are you kidding? I probably don't deserve you Ari. I love you." He says to me. Even though we've said I love you to each other time after time, I still feel a whole zoo in my stomach when he says those words to me.

"I love you more Li Li. Now let's watch something on tv. Oh! Let's watch celebrity drama shows, you know? Like the gossip stuff." I say as I pull out of his shoulder. I swing my legs off of Liam, and climb to the spot next to him.

"Whatever you want Ari." Liam laughes. He puts on E!, and here comes the gossip. But what I wasn't expecting was this report: This guy (Theres a picture of the weird guy from the mall) spotted Ariadne Wooster, Liam Payne's girlfriend at the mall this weekend. Nothing unusual, seeing she's a teenager. But what was unusual, was what she bought. He's got photos of Ariadne walking into a baby's clothing store, and buying maternity clothes. This leads us to suspision, is Ariadne Wooster pregnant with Liam Payne's child? Is she pregnant with someone else's child? Is she even pregnant?

A/N OH SHIAT WHAT THE FUDGE DID I JUST WRITE? Haha for real doeee, I just decided you guys are good little directioners, and deserve a double update, this being said, since I already updated today, this one might be short. Yupp. Sooooo yeah, here we are! I'm not going to rant, but I love you, don't forget to vote, comment, follow me, and keep reading!!! Byeeee guyssss!


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