Chapter 60

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'Liam Payne and his summer romance coming to an end?' The title of the magazine first class had to offer. I scoff, and go to the 'evidence' given as to why Ariadne and I have 'come to an end'. It's ridiculous the things magazines will lie about to sell magazines. 'Carlee, our reporter caught it exclusively as the events took place. We were in the neighborhood of Payne and Wooster's new apartment that Payne raved about in twitter, and we noticed Ariadne making various trips in and out of the building with boxes. At first we didn't expect much, seeing as their apartment is fairly new. But when we saw that she was packing the boxes into her car, with tears running down her face, we just had to investigate. We went up to her car and began questioning as to why she was upset and putting box after box into her car, and she responded with tears running down her face as she said: I'd rather not say. All you need to know is that I'd appreciate if you got your camera out of my face.' And with that, Carlee went back to her car and got a few final photos of Wooster, one of which Ariadne was walking the Payne-Wooster puppies into the car before she drove off somewhere. Now, we don't have an exact reason as to why this happened, but what else could be expected from that? It seems like a break-up if we've ever seen one! Now, our only question is to who's at fault here? You tell us who you think it is at our website! Now, go to page 26 for an exclusive on Harry Styles different Hair trends...'

That didn't happen. We didn't break-up. I mean, I'm sure I'd know whether my girlfriend and I broke up. We didn't, Or at least I wasn't informed on this. Must've been a misunderstanding, maybe they dropped off the wrong furniture or something so Ari had to bring it back to the store and that got her upset. And maybe she was bringing the puppies to a dog park after, so that's why she brought them. Obviously this Carlee is confused as to what she saw. I mean, these photos are of Ari crying and getting into her car with boxes and the puppies, but it's obviously a confusion. Maybe they were happy tears and she was just going on a trip with one of her friends and couldn't find a suitcase so she used boxes and was crying from excitement. Maybe her parents wanted her to spend time with them while I was away and made her move back in for a little bit until I get back and she was upset because she thought they were babying her. Maybe Izzy was having the baby and Ari was so excited to become a God Mother so she freaked out and over packed things and was so excited she cried and brought the puppies to the hospital. Maybe she's on her period and was being emotional and so the girls invited her to their apartment for so movies and she was moody and was crying while getting things ready to get there. Maybe she missed me and decided she couldn't stay in the apartment while I was touring so she moved back in with the girls for a bit. Maybe....

"Liam? You okay?" Louis asks, tapping my shoulder as I continue trying to come up with an excuse.

"Well uh, Lou, could you read this? I, I don't know what to make of it." I ask him, slowly handing over the magazine in hand.

"Liam, you know paps lie all the time." Louis sighs once he finishes reading.

"But they have pictures... What else could she be upset about? I mean, I know I didn't break-up with her, Hell I haven't even talked to her all week since we were recording." I say.

"Well maybe that's it. Maybe she thinks you're ignoring her and got moody or something and went to Ashley's and Taylor's, or maybe she's staying at Izzy's or her parents, you won't know until you ask her. Text her when we get off the plane, I wouldn't worry about it." He assures. Yeah, he's right. I have nothing to worry about, it's Ari we're talking about. She loves me, she wouldn't leave me.


"Ari? What's wrong? Awe, come in, come in!" Taylor asks taking one look at me as I continue to sob, holding one puppy in each arm.

"I-It-We-He."I sob, not able to make sense of words as I crash down on the couch, putting the puppies down to explore or whatever.

"I It We He, What? What is it Ari?" Taylor asks, rubbing my shoulder soothingly as I sit next to her on the couch sobbing into my hands. "Ashley? Could you come here?" Taylor calls after a few moments, and then Ashley walks in.

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