Chapter 51

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"Happy Birthday to Ariadne, Happy Birthday to you!" The crowd of my friends and family chants as the cake with 21 candles in front of me is lit, waiting for the song to be over so I can make my wish and blow out the candles. I'm smiling like a dork, looking around the room not knowing where to rest my eyes. And then the song finally ends, and I already know my wish. 'I wish I can make Liam's Birthday as great as he's made mine.' I think as I blow out my candles on the cake of memories.

Yayyyy! Woohoo, let's cut the cake now!" My mother cheers, stepping out from beside me and turning to the cake, with a cutting knife in hand. She cuts the first piece and like tradition, the birthday person gets the first piece, so she hands it to me. I stand from the little wooden chair I was forced into, and walk over to where Mr and Mrs.Payne are. I still haven't talked to them yet.

"Hey, Karen! Geoff! How have you two been!?" I say once I'm in earshot. Some people are crowding my mother, eager to get their share of the cake, reminding me of little kids at a birthday party.

"We've been good dear! How have you been? Happy to be twenty, or would you like to be a teenager still?" Karen asks, engulfing me in a hug. Geoff smiles at me and waves from behind Karen, obviously not trying to get me away from his wife.

"I've been great! Of course I'm going to love being twenty, Liam and I will be the same age for what, a week?" I laugh. "But yeah, I think twenty's going to be a good year, a very good year." I smile. She's smiling too, and Geoff already turned away. He's conversing to Liam, who I don't have clue when he walked over here.

"Ari! Get over here!" Izzy calls from the dance floor area. I shoot Karen a quick apolegetic smile, which she just nods off and points for me to go. I walk over to Izzy, and to my dismay, I almost fall over my own two feet.

"What is it Izzy, do you need a dancing partner?" I laugh. She grabs my wrist and drags me away from the small group of people forming, and brings me to a little booth. "What is it, this seems serious." I say, getting worried.

Before she speaks, Hayes walks over dragging Nash, who seems to know just as much about this as I do. When Hayes spots us, he drags Nash over here and forces him to sit next to me. We share a confused look before they talk.

"So... We got the stuff." Izzy says as Hayes takes out a brown paper bag from the inside of his coat. He places it between Nash and I, and I bet my face is a look of shock. When did Izzy turn to drugs, when did Hayes?

"Should we open it?" I whisper to Nash, unsure what to do. I don't want drugs, they can seriously mess you up. Why would Izzy do this to herself, to the baby? He nods his head, and I slowly grab the bag. I start to unroll the folded part, giving Hayes and Izzy a cautious glare. Once the bag is open, I take a quick look inside, and then look away. I look back, and see it's just fortune cookies.

"Thanks?" I say in more of a question than an answer. Izzy nods her head, obviously wanting us to open the cookies. I dump the cookies out of the bag, hand one to Nash and keep one for myself. I slowly crack the cookie, taking the paper out of it.

'Will you be the God-Father of our baby?' It reads. What? God-Father? But I'm a girl, they know that right? I look over to Nash again, and he's looking at me with a wide eyes.

"But plot twist, I'm a guy." Nash says, sliding the paper over to Izzy. She reads it, sighs, grabs the one from my hand, and switches them.

'Will you be the God-Mother of our baby?' It reads. Makes a lot more sense now. I fold the fortune in half once, and place it down on the table. I stand, with no expression showing on my face. Then, I quickly run over to the other side of the table and hug Hayes and Izzy.

"Of course I will! Oh my gosh this is perfect! I'm going to be a God-Mother! Thank you so much guys, and the baby! Don't worry, I'll make sure I'm the babysitter on your parents honeymoon, don't want you experiencing that. Oh my gosh guys, literally this is perfect thank you so much, I love you both like ugh!" I cheer, looking at both of them before someone pulls me away. Nash.

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