Chapter 19

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(Liam's P.O.V)

I have to ask Ari something, and I'm scared on how she'll react. This morning after I left her house, I got a call from my mum, asking me about something she saw on the news. This is how our phone call went. (If you didn't know, Karen is his mother's name, comes in handy later in the chapter.)

I answer the phone on the second ring."Hello mum! How have you been?" I ask. She ignores my question and starts ranting.

"Liam I've missed you so much! What's all this on the news about you having a girlfriend, I know a few weeks ago you said you were hanging out with a girl, named Arianna, I think. Is it her? Is it just a rumor? Liam why didn't you tell me!" My mother says scoldingly. I realize I've only ever told my mum about Ariadne once, so I wonder if she told her parents about me. I'll ask her that when I call her up tomorrow, or maybe even later. This chapters dedication is to Gemma because she sent me my first fan message!

"Well, umm mum you see I do have a girlfriend, we made it official last night... And her name isn't Arianna, it's Ariadne. But she let's you call her Ari. It's not a rumor, obviously I just said that. And umm, yea it's the same girl." I say awkwardly. My mum has met all of my girlfriends in the past, which weren't too many. But I think she's going to want to meet Ari, and this scares me. I never got scared meeting anyone, or having someone else meet my mum. But with Ari, I'm beyond terrified.

"So the picture the news showed of you two kissing, that apparently you tweeted, is real? Ariadne is a pretty name, must be a pretty girl. I hope you realize you're going to have to bring her here soon, maybe this weekend?" My mother says. I don't have anything planned this weekend, but I'll have to ask Ariadne. Why was my tweet on the news? Dang it.

"Um, yeah.. I tweeted that as a dare, it was real. She's not pretty mum, she's beyond gorgeous. I know I do, I'll ask her to see if she can come up with me this weekend, she might have work though. I'll see what I can do." I say a bit embarassed. This is the only bad part of being a popstar, everybody finds out everything. I mean, I know I posted it on twitter, but if I wasn't famous my mum would never have seen it.

"LIAM JAMES PAYNE! Why, why would you kiss for a camera, and then tweet it? I love you son, but that wasn't too smart. Imagine the type of hate she's going to get now. You two better make it this weekend, I miss you. And I'd love the chance to meet any young lady that makes my son happy." My mum replies. I love my mom, but she has pictures of her and my father kissing. I know they're married and all, but times have changed.

"I'm going to explain to her tonight about the haters, and how not to believe anything they say. They're just jealous of her beauty and everything about her. Mum, as much as I've enjoyed this chat, I must be going. I'm going to talk to Ari about going to see you this weekend, don't worry. Bye mum I love you." I say into my mobile. She responds with a 'love you too' and then hangs up. Ari said she had work today, so I can text her and she'll respond when she can. (L-Liam A-Ariadne.)

L- Hey love, I know it's short notice and all, but are you busy Saturday? I mean, I know it's Thursday so if you already have plans it's fine." I send hesitantly. Maybe it would've been better to ask her in person.

A- Hello Li Li! No, I don't have any plans on Saturday, maybe we could go to the mall or something? Why, do you have plans for us?" I laugh at how she still calls me Li Li instead of Liam.

L- Well, um I sort of do have plans for us this weekend, but if it's too soon or something I'll tell them they will have to wait." I send. I think Ari still has no clue what I'm talking about.

A- What do you mean Liam? Does it involve traveling somewhere?" She sends.

L- I got off the phone with my mum earlier, and she saw my tweet. She wanted to meet you this weekend, if that's okay." I send. I hope she doesn't think it's too soon, I mean we just made it official yesterday, but we have been talking for about a month.

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