Chapter 43

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The next morning, I wake up in my bed. I know I didn't fall asleep in here, so someone moved me. Probably Liam, because he's just that amazing. Speaking of Liam, where is he? He's not in here with me.

"Liam? Are you in here?" I mumble as I move my arm around the bed, searching for him. When I retrieve no answer and I can't find him, I sigh and sit up on the bed. My door creaks open, and I'm scared. But then Liam walks in, so I know it's okay.

"When did you wake up? I was about to wake you up actually." He says as he walks over to the bed, sitting next to me. He grabs my hand and draws shapes on it, it feels like words but I can't be sure.

"Just now. Can we go make breakfast? What are you doing to my hand Li?" I let out a giggle at the hand. He shrugs and drops my hand all together, causing me to pout. I like being in contact with him, it feels safer.

"Well, I made breakfast already, I hope you don't mind that I cooked.Ashley and Zayn are already eating. Hey, what's wrong?" He says as he catches my gaze, his own holding a quirked eyebrow and a . I grab his hand and smile again, hoping he catches what I'm trying to say. Clearly he doesn't, because he still looks confused.

"I didn't want you to let go of my hand, I just wanted to know what you were doing to it." I try to explain. Liam nods his head, seeming to understand now. I peck his cheek, and stand from my bed.

"I'll be right out, just let me get dressed, since we have guests here and all." I say as Liam stands. I try to push him out the door, but he doesn't budge. He let's out a chuckle at my expense, because I'm really trying to get him to move, I just can't get him by.

"How about, I stay, or I get a kiss?" Liam barters. He's really trying to be a little annoying right now, or he's trying to be cute, I can't decipher him. I roll my eyes, and stand on my tip-toes to give his lips a peck. When I pull away, he smiles and walks out. I go to my closet, and grab a pair of blue short shorts, the ones I bought when Liam and I went to the mall a few weeks ago. I grab a white tank-top that has an infinity sign on it. I bring those clothes to my bed, and I walk over to my wardrobe. I replace my bra with a white one, so it won't be visable through my tank top. I go back to my bed, and change into the outfit. I brush my hair, leaving it down, and after that I put on some foundation and mascara. Then once I'm satisfied with the look, I make my way out to the kitchen and see everyone seated eating, and one empty seat beside Ashley that has a plate on it. I sit there, across from Liam.

"Thank you Liam, for the breakfast this morning." Ashley chimes. She's still wearing her clothes from yesterday, and I almost forgot her and Zayn weren't planning on staying the night. She can borrow some of my clothes, we seem to be the same size.

"Yeah, thanks mate." Zayn mumbles as he eats some pancakes. Zayn's in the same clothes as yesterday too, but obviously I don't have any guy clothes here. Unless Liam's willing to lend him some, I have nothing for him.

"No problem. What do you guys want to do today?" Liam asks as I take a bite of a pancake. It's perfect, another thing Liam can do is cook. He get's more and more perfect by the day.

"Well I don't know about you guys, but I'm staying home all day. I'm still tired from girls night the other day, and I don't feel like going out." I say. They all nod in agreement, and so I add, "Hey Ashley, you can borrow some of my clothes if you'd like. It won't be any trouble or anything, I just don't want you to be stuck in those clothes all day, from yesterday." I explain to her. She says a 'thank you', and after I bring all the dishes to the dishwasher, Ashley and I go to my room so she can change. She grabs one of my hoodies, and a pair of sweatpants and changes in the bathroom.

~2 Hours Later~

"Oh I know! How about we prank call people?" I suggest as we discuss what we should do today. So far theres been suggestions of 'Hide and Go Seek', sleep, make-out all day (Like, me and Liam, Ash and Zayn. Not a four way kiss you creeps.), and watch movies.

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