Chapter 3

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Oh. It's Louis.. My old bestfriend. What happened to him and I? I think to myself.

"Hello boys, and lass. I'm Louis. What's your name and where are you from?" Louis asked me.

"Umm, hello. I'm Ariadne and I'm from Doncaster..." I say, whispering the last part.

"Wait, Ariadne... Wooster? From Lincoln High, if I'm correct. Do you remember me?" Louis asks staring me dead in the eyes.

I feel my eyes start to water while I nod my head a yes. Stop it eyes! Don't cry, he left not you. Just stop crying please. Please! Ugh, you brimmed over. I hate you. I think to myself.

"Love, what's wrong!? Don't worry we will bring you home, you won't be hurt anymore. Nothing's going to go wrong. Your friend is with Harry. Ariadne please don't cry." Liam pleads while pulling my into a hug, so I'm basically sobbing into Liam Payne's chest.... Nice. Good job Ariadne.

"I-t's, I'm-m, I-I want to se-ee L-Lori... Pl-please." I say while sobbing. Still in Liam's chest. My concious reminds me. So I instantly pull out of the hug. I loved the hug, don't get me wrong. I just didn't want his probably hundred dollar shirt to be tear stained. But it already is. Sigh.

"Okay love, can you walk? You were tipsy last night. If not I can carry you there." Liam says. Liam is so kind. I think to myself.

"I'll take her to see her friend. I want to have a chat with her as well." Louis chimes in. Please Liam, take me. I don't have a problem with Louis, I just want to put this conversation off as long as I can.

" No it's alright mate, I got it. Why don't you go fetch her and her friend some breakfast. Order it on Room Service, and make sure you tell Niall. Don't want him in a sour mood from not getting enough breakfast do we?" Liam asks. I don't know why but I giggle.I think it's because I've heard Niall's never mad, but I just giggle not caring who hears the horrible noise I'm making. Liam looks over to me and smiles.

"You've got a cute laugh, love." He says joining me with this nonsense giggling.

"Don't lie to yourself! I sound like The Wanted singing!" I say. This causes him, Louis, and I to start full on laughing. Well atleast Louis isn't mad at me. WAIT, I should be mad at him for leaving and never talking back to me for 3 whole flipping years. Sigh.

When we all finish laughing, Liam insists on carrying me to the room Lori is in while Louis goes and orders room service. I try to make him put me down, but he won't let me. Well Ariadne, I know you love how safe his arms make you feel. My subconcious says. I really hate her. Yes, Liam has always been my celebrity crush ever since One Direction was formed, not for his looks though, those are just a plus. I like how caring he is to his fans and family, and I feel for him. He's been through so much he deserves a happy ending. With me. My subconsious adds AGAIN. I still hate her.

"So Ariadne, are there any angry parent's wondering where you are or over-bearing boyfriends we have to explain this to?" Liam asks me, and I blush.

"No, Lori and I live together in my apartment in Doncaster, and we are both single, so no boyfriends or parents are going to need explaining today." I tell Liam honestly. You wish Liam was your boyfriend though. My self-consious keeps talking. That's it I give up, she wins. Yes I do, now are you happy? I think to her. I must be going crazy, but I swear I feel her smile. Even though she's just in my mind. Oh well, I guess I'm going insane.

"Oh, okay good. I didn't want to have Paul come with us to drop you guys off later. Look, theres your friend." Liam says casually while putting me down.

"ARIADNE!!!!!!!!!! WHERE WERE YOU? Harry told me you were with Liam but I didn't believe him. Then Zayn walked in and seconded his oppinion, so I told them to bring me to you. Last night was so scary!" Lori says while pulling me into a very strong hug. Well, She goes to the gym more than me, not my fault!

"Ow, Lori you're too strong! And I was with Liam, don't worry. I told Liam to bring me to you, so don't think I wasn't worried about you! I was plastered last night, I don't remember anything after the fourth shot of vodka." I say back to her. She let's go of her grip of me.

"Oh Ariadne! I told you not to drink so much! Underage too!" Lori scolds me. Oh hell naw, she used to drink underage too! Not my fault shes older than me!

" Ugh Lori you're not my mother! Plus it was the last day of school, I didn't expect us to meet RAPISTS at the club and have them try to capture us. I didn't expect to wake up this morning in the same hotel room as One Direction" I say back to her. But you're happy you woke up in the same hotel room as One Direction. My sub-conscious adds yet again. I ignore her this time.

"I'm just worried about you, chill out girl!" Lori replies back. That's when I notice who's behind her.

"Harry Styles? Is that Harry Styles?" I say to the man.

"Yes love, I'm Harry. You must be the Ariadne, your friend wouldn't stop trying to force me to bring her to you." Harry laughs remembering the earlier events.

"Oh, atleast she cares about me! And yup. I'm the famous Ariadne. Nice to meet you. Did you take care of my friend, because I swear if she has even one scratch on her, the curls are gone." I say the last part sternly.

"MY CURLS! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Harry shouts as he runs out of the room, causing the rest of us to start laughing uncontrolably.

"See love! You've definitely got a cute laugh! No ands, ifs or buts about it!" Liam says, still laughing.

"No, there's a but. BUT I sound like a dieying walrus giving birth!" I say in a serious tone, causing everyone else to laugh even harder. I end up laughing again.

" Whatever! I give up, You win this one Wooster." Liam says.

"Oh I always win, Payne." I shoot back at him, then I grab Lori's hand and run out the way Harry left.


Love, Sierra.

From High School To Liam Payneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن