Chapter 46

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We get to the pool downstairs, and before we do anything, Liam tells a server that nobody else is to enter this area unless any of us say they can. He hands the guy some money, which I find ridiculous. It shouldn't matter if anyone else comes here, it is a public pool for all paying residents of the hotel. I guess it's just a perk of being in a band. While Liam's talking to the guy, Harry and Louis make their way over to the pool, and I go to one of the lounge chairs. It's pretty sunny out today, so why not try to tan? I pull my dress off leaving me in my bikini. I lay down on the chair, and close my eyes as I feel the suns rays hit me.

"Ari, if you wanted to tan then we could've gone to a tanning salon or something. You wanted to come to the pool, so get in the water!" Liam says from inside the pool. I don't know when he got in there, but he found his way there in the past few minutes. I sit up for a second to shake my head no, and as I'm going to lie back down, someone splashes me. I think it's Louis by the way he's smirking, or maybe Liam because he's hiding under water. I groan obviously acknowledging that I'm not going to win this battle, and stand from the chair. I place my phone on the chair with all the towels covering it, so that way it won't get wet if anyone splashes over here.

"Ugh now I'm wet. I hate you guys." I pout as I climb down the pool ladder, giving in to Liam's wishes of me going into the pool. I get into the water, and suprisingly it's not too cold. I go under water, so my whole body becomes used to the temperature change, though it's not by much.

"Aww come on babe. It's not so bad. Just some water." Liam greets me as I come up. He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. He looks down at me and quickly places a kiss to my cheek, causing me to smile.

"I love you Li Li. Now tell me who splashed me. I'm warning you now if it was you, I'm sorry but I'm going to get my revenge." I say seriously. I meant every word. You don't get away with splashing Woodster.

"It was Louis, I promise. I wouldn't dare splash the princess. I love you too." He jokes as he let's go of me and backs up a few inches, so we look more casual then a couple. I go right next to him though, encasing his hand in mine, playing with our fingers under the water. This pool has two ends basically, one 4 foot end, like a normal pool. Then the other side is sloped slightly, so it keeps going downwards until 6 feet. I'm only 4'10. Seems like I'm stuck in the shallow end.

"Okay prince Li Li. I'm going to go get him back. Feel free to sit back and enjoy the show." I say as I unintwine our fingers and pat him on his head, then make my way over to Louis.

"Louis! Get your ass over here! Curly, you go join Liam and enjoy the show!" I shout at the two boys who are in the deep end.

"No, I think we're fine over here. Why don't you join us, Ms.AngryPants." Louis smirks. Well played Tomlinson, well played.

"Very mature Tomlinson! Can you come up with anything clever or is that it? Come on, be mature!" I scold. Then two arms snake there way around my waist, and it's Liam. He whispers something in my ear. He told me that he's going to carry me over there chicken fight style. He goes under water and waits for me to come aboard, and when I do he wraps his hands around my ankles to hold me up. He easily makes his way over to the other two boys, even with carrying an extra person.

"Liam! You had to ruin it you bloke! I didn't want her to come and attack me!" Louis jokes as he pouts. He swims away from us as Harry just laughes at the whole situation. Liam follows after Louis, and I can tell he's pissing Louis off.

"Fine, if you two are dedicated to getting revenge on me or whatever, I challenge you to a chicken fight! You two are already ready, so Harry, you will be my partner! You're going down Ariam, it's Larry for the win!" Louis says as he pumps his fist in the air as if he already won the thing. Harry sighs but makes his way over to us.

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