Chapter 16

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After eating ice cream with Taylor and Niall, I decide to stop playing my little game with Liam. As we walk away, I give him a hug. He hugs me back, but has a confused look on his face. I just give a kiss, which he smiles into.

"I'm really sorry Ari, I don't know why you were mad at me all of a sudden, but please talk to me." Liam says with a really cute pout. I giggle and peck his cheek.

" It's okay Li Li, I was just upset that you bought me those clothes when I can't buy you anything in return. " I say as I grab his hand and intwine it in mine.

"Non-sense Ariadne! You don't have to give me anything in return, as long as you want my pressence, I owe you. For giving me something to do, and letting me meet the most beautiful girl." Liam says before planting a kiss on my forehead. I roll eyes at the first part, and then I smirk.

Gasp. "You found a beautiful girl? I thought we had something special Liam! Tell me her name so I can give her a piece a my mind." I say. I playfully hit Liam's chest. He chuckles before replying.

"Yes, I did find a very beautiful, special girl! Her name is Ariadne Wooster, I don't think she need a piece of your mind, she's already got the full thing." Liam says still chuckling. I lean up on my toes so eye level with him, then I peck his lips once before going back down to my original height.

"Really? I'm not beautiful at all, if anything here at all is beautiful than it's you." I say tapping his nose to emphasize the 'you' part.

"I'm not beautiful, I'm masculine! You're the beautiful one here, do I need to have a petition sent around to see if that's true?" Liam asks as he puffs his chest out, it's hilarious because he's still carrying a bunch of bags from Forever 21. I start bursting out laughing, Liam looks so confused but he joins in. I guess my laugh is contagious.

"What's so funny love? Is my masculiness bringing out your hormones?" Liam asks wiggling his eyebrows.

"No Liam! It's just you said you're masculine, but you are carrying like five bags from Forever 21, a girl cloth store. Of course your masculiness is bringing out my hormones, but not in the way you're thinking!" I say while pulling my hand out of his and smacking his chest. We finally make it out of the mall, and we head to my car. There is an older couple coming out of the car next to ours. Liam pulls me closer to him starts kissing my cheek. I feel embarassed because you're supposed to respect your elders, but I don't protest.

"Aw, honey look at that couple. They must be newlyweds!" The older lady says.

"Marcy, they're ony about 20 from the looks of it, they're not married." The male grumbles.

"Um, we aren't married..." I say awkwardly.

"Oh? Do you have kids? You seem too mature for your age, you're only about 20 hun, right? You two are adorable together." The lady asks. I blush and nudge Liam indicating he can talk.

" We aren't married or parents, we are not expecting nor engaged. Thank you for the compliment, Marcy was it?" Liam asks, and she nods to the last part so he continues. " Well, you're right, I'm 20 but this beautiful girl is only 19. I'm Liam, by the way." Liam says. Liam is better with words, so I'll let him talk. It seems like he realizes I'm nervous, because he starts rubbing my arm up and down soothingly.

"Oh, sorry I must've embarassed you two. Well, we've got some shopping to do, have fun you two!" The lady named Marcy says as they walk away. I then unlock my car and help Liam put his bags in the back. Then I go to the drivers seat and Liam heads to the passenger seat.

~Later that night~

Liam and I got to my apartment about 3 hours ago, and it's now 7 at night. I'm already in my pajamas and Liam's out of that wig. Right now we're watching some movie Liam apparently wanted to see, but I know he just thinks I'll get all romantic and want to make out. He chose this time because we just watched one I chose. It's called 'Twilight'. Yes Twilight as in based off the book. I actually like these movies, so Liam isn't getting any action tonight. We are cuddled in a blanket on my couch, and so far Bella just told her dad she's got a date with Edward. I've seen it before though, so I get distracted. I start playing with Liam's hair, and I hear him let out a muffled moan. I smirk, knowing I just found one of his turn-ons. I pull on his hair again, to be sure. Yet again he let's out a moan, but a bit louder. I take my hands out of his hair, and cup either side of his face with my hands. I place one quick peck on his lips before standing up. As I'm about to ask Liam to go to bed, I get a call. I look over at the Caller I.D, and it's Taylor. I put my finger up to tell Liam to be quite, and then I answer.

"Hey babe!" I say into the phone. Liam mouthes speaker, so I roll my eyes but put her on speaker.

"UGH! Ari you'll never believe what just happened!" Taylor says. She seems pissed.

"What's got your panties in a twist girl? Oh, and you're on speaker. Liam's here." I say to her, hoping she understands not to say anything embarassing.

" I came to my apartment because Niall was going to stay over, but on my door there was a letter saying I got evicted! I have two days to find a place to stay, and get all my belongings out. I'm being evicted because apparently I'm not allowed to paint the door white, it makes it different and stand-out. Like seriously, ugh!" Taylor rants. How is she going to find a place to stay?

"Taylor, you know I have the guest room here! You just move over here! It'll be fun! I mean, I know you and Rachel don't really like each other too well, but she's never home anyways. She mentioned she's moving out next weekend too, so you don't have to be near her too long! And don't even start to protest, you're not getting out of it! I'm going to set up the room right now, just pack your favorite clothes and items and stuff, we'll get the boys to help us get the rest of it tomorrow. Yes, Niall can come. BUT NO REPEATING LAST TIME!" I say back to her. Liam groans when I offered his help, but I give him a glare that causes him to stop mid-groan.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH ARI THIS IS WHY I LOVE YOU TO THE MOON AND BACK BABE!" Taylor shouts into the phone. I just laugh and tell her to hurry over here.

"Aww, now we can't have any fun tonight." Liam says winking.

"We weren't going to have any fun tonight anyways, We were going to sleep. Now help me set up the guest room, please?" I ask doing my puppy dog face. Like every time, success. He stands up and follows me into the guest room.

~ 30 minutes later ~

"Thank you again Ari, I promise no more repeats!" Taylor says as I show her to the guest room.

"Okay, well I'm off to bed! STOP THANKING ME AND NO SEX IN THIS HOUSEHOLD TONIGHT." I say as I walk off. I hear Taylor laugh. I tell Niall the room's ready, and he goes off to the room. I don't even talk to Liam, I just attempt to pull him by his arm to my room, but he's sitted on the couch and won't move. He's smirking, so I can tell he's got some sort of plan.

"Ugh, Liam what do you want?" I groan as I sit next to him.

"Well, I just wanted to know if you had work tomorrow?" Liam asks, his grin getting wider. Why does he care if I'm working?

"No, I don't... Why?" I ask. He doesn't respond, he just pulls a slip of paper out of his pocket and I instantly know what it is.

"Will you Ariadne, take my hand in spending the day with me tomorrow?" Liam asks while getting onto one knee. I giggle at this fake marriage attempt.

"Of course I'd love to Liam!" I say in a posh tone. He stands up and places the piece of paper in my hoodie pocket. I giggle as he flings me over his back, and carries me off to his room. He puts me on the bed. He then walks over to my dresser, and takes off his shirt and pants, leaving him in just his boxers. He climbs and bed with me, and we cuddle into a blissful sleep.

From High School To Liam Payneحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن