Chapter 11

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(Liam's P.O.V)

I've been awake for about twenty minutes now, just looking at the beauty I am holding while she sleeps. Not creepy at all.
I see her start to stir around, so I'm guessing Ari's going to wake up soon. I pretend to be asleep, and I feel her try to get up. I tighten my grip on her and smirk.

"Liam! Let me gooo!" Ariadne pleads.

"Not until you give me a good morning kiss!" I say as I open my eyes. I sit up, but move Ari in my lap and hold her close so she can't run away.

"No! You might have morning breath! And boys have cooties, eww Li Li let me go! I don't want cooties!!" She teases as she hits me playfully.

"Oh, so if I have cooties, you wouldn't like it if I did this then?" I say as I start kissing her neck gently, but then start to bite softly, but hard enough to leave a mark.

"Eww! Cooties! Get away from me! SOMEBODY HELP ME! I'M CATCHING THE COOTIES FROM THIS MONSTER!" She shouts as she squirms in my grip trying to get away. I then go to her cheek and start leaving pecks of my kisses going from her cheek to the corner of her mouth, then I leave a long, lingering kiss on her mouth. When I pull away, she starts kicking and sticks her tongue out blowing a raspberry.

"Why are you being so childish Ari? You didn't act this way yesterday." I say as I pout. I close my eyes for a second, and she pecks my lips. I let go of her and open my eyes with a smile.

"Was that so hard, love? To get me to let go you just had to give me a kiss." I ask her while I'm chuckling.

"Oh shut it! I'm going to change and scrub these cooties off of me! Oh, word of advice, if you want more kisses, you have to brush your teeth! Morning breath is gross!" She say's pouting as she walks out of the room. I immediately grab my tooth brush and tooth paste and run off to Harry's room, because he has a private bathroom in there.

"Harry let me in so I can brush my teeth! Open the door!" I shout. A few seconds later, a very tired Lori comes and opens the door for me.

"Please don't make too much noise Payne! I'm tired!" She moans. I just shake my head and walk into the bathroom. When I put tooth paste on my tooth brush I as quickly as I can brush my teeth. Ari said to get more kisses, I must brush my teeth, so here I am. I then run out of Harry's room mumbling a quick thanks. I get to my room, shut the door and change. I put on some Nike shorts, and a Batman tee. I laugh remembering my conversation with Ari last night about Batman.

I then walk out of the room and head to the kitchen, and see Ari. She's wearing a plain green tank-top and some blue shorts. Some really Short shorts, they're so small! She doesn't hear me approach her, so when I wrap my arms around her waist she jumps a bit.

"Liam you scared me!" She says trying to get out of my hold, but I give her a quick kiss before I let her go.

"I told you to brush your teeth before you kiss me! Morning breath is yucky!" She scolds. I just laugh at her childish behaviour.

"Your being so child-like Ari! What's gotten into you?" I ask.

"Nothing's gotten into me Liam! But I'm being child-like? Seriously? You're the one who has a bunch of Disney Movies!" She says giving me a glare. Is she mad at me or something?

"Why are you so mad love? Did I do something? I was just kidding, you're a big girl!" I say to her, but she just turns around and walks out of the kitchen. What did I do? I thought we were just playing around, I didn't know it hurt her feelings... If I did I would've stopped!

(Ariadne's P.O.V)

Ugh, why today of all days? I need to leave and go to the pharmacy and grab.. Something. Yup, it's that time of the month. After I leave the kitchen, I go to the Bathroom, grab my bag and walk into Liam's room. I grab my other bag and make sure I have everything. I go back to the kitchen, and see Liam's still in there, but now he's sitting down deep in thought.

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