Chapter 61

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Liam, wake up." Someone shakes my shoulders, forcing me out of my slumber. I look around, and I'm in a plane. Am I in a plane, because...

"Is it break?" I ask, looking at Niall who is the one whom woke me up.

"I'd think you would've known this by now." He laughs. "Yeah, you have to get of the plane if you want to go relax." He points out, walking away from me with his suitcase in hand. It's been four weeks since I've spoken to Ariadne, and three weeks since I read that magazine article. But today I finally get to go talk to her. I'm back in town for two weeks, we can make things right. Maybe she's at the airport right now, waiting for me like she promised. Maybe it was all a joke, the break-up and she's surprising me here. That thought alone makes me jump out of my seat, quickly grabbing my bag and rushing out of the plane as fast as I can, with the sleep still evident on my face.

I get off the plane and see Niall running towards Taylor, dropping his bag and spinning her around as they do in cliche movies. I see Ashley and Zayn hugging, standing motionless just holding each other. Harry's over with his sister, cracking jokes from the looks of it, and Louis is with his mother. I continue my search, looking for the set of brown eyes I've become accustom to through photography and through visual, but where are they? She must've came, right? Taylor and Ashley are here, obviously Ariadne's here.

"Umm, Taylor do you happen to know where Ariadne is?" I ask quietly as I approach Taylor and Niall. I'm very wary of Ashley, I still don't know what caused her outburst on me weeks ago, and I still don't know who Zoe is.

"Yeah, I do. But I have strict orders not to tell you anything, not that I would anyways." She says, slightly shaking her head at me disapprovingly. For Taylor, this is rude. Taylor's usually really nice.

"Is she surprising me or something?" I ask, trying to get something out of her.

"I don't know." She shrugs. "Ask Ashley."

"Hmmm." I mumble walking over to Ashley and Zayn, very hesitantly might I add.

"Umm, Ash-"

"Ask Zoe." She cuts me off, pulling away from Zayn as soon as I'm near and giving me the death glare.

"But who is Zoe?" I ask, feeling like I'm going to cry again. I just want to see my Ari but nobodies willing to help me.

"I don't know, you're the one that knows her." She shrugs.

"Can you just tell me wher-"

"Ask Zoe." She cuts me off again.

"Well is Ariadne at the apar-"

"Ask Zoe." She shrugs, cutting me off yet again.

"Ashley what is with you all? I just want Ari back, I don't know what happened I just want to talk to her and try to clear things up because I'm as confused as anybody in this situation. If you have any hopes for Ari and I, any last hope in your heart for her and I, you'll help me out by telling me where she is." I ask, more so beg.

"Liam, ask Zoe." She tells me one more time. "I have hope for Ariadne, but not so much for you. Now Zayn, babe, if you want to come back with me as we planned then please do, but I don't want to be around your associate any longer." She states, bringing her attention to Zayn.

"Sorry mate." Zayn sighs, patting my shoulder briefly before picking up his bags and walking after Ashley.

So nobodies going to help me out here, fine. I'll just go to our apartment and start there. I mean, it is night time right now so I guess if she's not at the apartment I'll just go look around in the morning, I will see her, because I don't know how much longer I can handle not talking to her.

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