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** AU where Evan doesn't have anxiety but Zoe does**

When Zoe woke up, she knew something was off. But she got ready for school and didn't think about it. She heard the doorbell ring and she ran to answer it. Evan stood on the other side and she smiled.

"Hey!" She said. She let him in and he kissed her.

"How are you?" Evan asked. Zoe looked at him.

"I'm good. I just have a feeling." She said.

"A feeling?"

"You know like, a feeling that something's going to happen." Zoe explained. Evan nodded and walked into her kitchen.

"Good something or bad something?" Evan asked. Zoe shrugged.

"I don't know yet." She said. She looked at the clock on the wall and grabbed her bag.

"C'mon. We gotta go." She said. She grabbed her keys and Evan's hand.

They walked out the front door and Zoe locked it behind her. They walked to her car and put their stuff in the trunk before getting in. She started the engine and Evan grabbed her free hand.

"Everything's going to be fine Zoe. I promise."


Zoe sat across the aisle from Alana in her advanced Anthropology class. She went to grab her water bottle when the PA went off.

"Attention staff, we are moving into a hold and secure."

Zoe's teacher locked the door and covered the window before continuing to teach. Alana looked at Zoe.

"What's happening?" Zoe asked.

"There's someone on the property." Alana said. Zoe's eyes widened and she reached for her phone to text Evan.

"Where are you?"

She put her phone down and continued to write. Her phone buzzed and she looked at it.

"Sitting in my math class... it's just and hold and secure Zo. Deep breaths."

She took a deep breath and the PA went off again.

"Attention staff, we are moving into a lockdown."

Everyone in Zoe's class stood and walked to the back corner of the room before sitting on the floor. Zoe's teacher took a quick look in the hall before quickly shutting and locking the door. She covered the window and turned off the lights.

"Remember guys, we did the drill a few days ago. You are all silent. If you're on your phone, the brightness is all the way down." Their teacher said. Alana looked at Zoe.

"It'll be okay Zo. Evan's fine." Alana said. Someone rattled the handle of the door and Zoe jumped. Alana grabbed Zoe's hand and looked at her.

"Shh." She whispered. Zoe clutched Alana's hand tightly and held her breath. She heard two men shouting and laughter. The laughter died out and Zoe sighed in relief. She checked her phone and saw a text from Evan.

"Fisher says police are on the way. Alana, you better be keeping her calm."

Zoe closed her eyes and took deep breaths. Her therapist had said that when she was stressed, she should close her eyes and imagine her happy place.

She was lying in the grass. Evan was with her. It was sunny but not hot.

Alana grabbed her hand, pulling her out of her reverie.

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