Chilltober 15: hide

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A very short one. Tomorrow will be a double chapter day, I'm just so incredibly exhausted. Sorry you guys :(

Tia was gone. Zoe had looked everywhere and Tia was nowhere to be found.

"Tia, come on out honey Mama has a treat for you baby girl." Zoe called.


"Yeah, a treat! Come out of hiding and come find Mama!" Zoe coaxed.

Tia came toddling out from underneath one of the side tables and Zoe scooped her up.

"What were you doing hiding from Mama?" Zoe asked, tickling her youngest.

"Hi n seek!" Tia babbled

"You are a silly girl. You have to tell Mommy before you hide!" Zoe laughed. Tia started squirming and once she was put down she covered her eyes and waited for her mother to go hide.

Dear Evan Hansen one-shots!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora