Chilltober 3: Blankets

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(Trying a new perspective out. Let me know what you guys think)

Mallory looked at the pink glowing numbers that were reflected off her wall. 2:47. Mommy and Daddy said that if the number was before 7, she stayed in bed, unless she needed them. She wasn't sure if this was a good reason to get her mom. 

Mallory didn't like the beginning of October. It was either too cold or too hot. Tonight happened to be too cold. She curled up more tightly to try to keep warm when the shivering started. 

Mallory sighed and sat up, she knew where her mother kept the spare blankets. They were in the same cupboard as the fancy towels that no one could use. She crawled out of bed and quietly opened her door. She snuck out into the hall and opened the closet door. There was a creak as the door slowly opened. Mallory froze but neither of her parents came out. She looked up at the closet and frowned; it was too dark to see what was a blanket and what was a fancy towel. 

Mallory knew how particular her mother was about the fancy towels. No one was supposed to touch them. Not even her father. If Daddy got yelled at for touching the fancy towels, what would happen to her? 

Mallory sighed softly before turning back to her room, she knew there would be a flashlight in her room somewhere.

She flicked the light switch on and scanned her room. She was convinced that her purple flashlight was in her bedroom, all she needed to do was find it. She walked over to one of her buckets of toys and started quietly digging through it. She sighed and remembered bringing it downstairs. 

She quietly left her room and tiptoed past Tia's nursery, being careful not to wake her baby sister. She snuck down the steps, being careful of the creak on the last one. She quietly walked over to her play corner and picked up her flashlight. She smiled and heard a creak on the bottom step. She froze and heard someone sigh. She slowly turned around and saw her mother at the bottom of the stairs with her arms crossed. 

"Mallory Cecelia Hansen, what are you doing out of bed at 3 am?"

Mallory looked at her mother and said nothing.

"What are you doing down here pumpkin?" Her mother asked, walking towards her.

"It's cold in my room and I wanted another blanket but I didn't know what was a blanket and what was a fancy towel so I needed my flashlight to see!" Mallory explained. 

Mallory watched as her mother walked over to her and picked her up.

"Let's get you that blanket, huh pumpkin?" She asked. Mallory nodded and her mother carried her upstairs. Mallory was set down outside the closet and her mother handed her a blanket.

"Come on Mal, let's go tuck you in." She said softly. Mallory nodded and ran into her bedroom and jumped into bed. Her mother chuckled and tucked Mallory under the warmer blanket.

"Okay, now asleep. You've got school in the morning." 

Mallory nodded as her mother kissed her forehead.

"Goodnight Mal."

"Night Mommy."

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