Chilltober 13: Baking

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(disclaimer: Evan and Zoe celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving solely because it's awesome, I'm Canadian, and it's an easy oneshot oops)

"Okay Mallory, now pour the sugar in baby." Zoe said. Mallory poured a cup of sugar and Zoe turned on the mixer.

"How are my girls?" Evan asked, walking in with Tia in the baby sling. 

"Daddy, we're baking pies!" Mallory said happily.

"Oh are you?" Evan asked, kissing Zoe on the cheek.

"Yeah! Grandma is coming for Thanksgiving!" Mallory cheered.

"You're right. Actually, I have to go pick Grandma up from the airport now so I'm going to head out, and I'm going to take Miss T, see if she'll sleep in the car." Evan explained. Zoe turned and kissed Evan.

"Bye Daddy!" Mallory said, enthralled by the spinning mixer.

"Drive safe babe!" Zoe called. Evan put Tia in the carrier and blew kisses to Zoe and Mallory.


"Oh my goodness something smells yummy!" Heidi said, taking her coat off.

"Grandma!" Mallory yelled, running towards Heidi.

"There you are big girl!" Heidi said, crouching and hugging Mallory. 

"Heidi!" Zoe said, wiping her hands on her apron.

"Zoe! How are you sweetheart?" Heidi asked, hugging her!

"I'm good! Pies are in the oven and Mallory and I are working on some other desserts for tomorrow." Zoe explained. Heidi smiled as Evan took Tia out of the carrier.

"Did she sleep in the car?" Zoe asked, as Heidi reached for Tia. Evan settled Tia into Heidi's arms and Mallory frowned.

"Alright Mal, let's head back to the kitchen. The cookies won't finish making themselves." Zoe said. Mallory smiled and ran back to the kitchen.

"Come on in Heidi." Zoe said. Heidi sat down and smiled at Tia.

"She's just the sweetest little baby." Heidi said, looking at her.

"She is. She doesn't cry very much either." Evan said.

"Heidi can I get you a drink?" Zoe called.

"Oh, no honey, I'm okay." Heidi called.

"Are you sure? I've got red and white wine." Zoe called.

"You know what, let's go with a glass of white." Heidi said.

"Baby, do you want anything?" Zoe called.

"Red please babe." Evan called.

"Perfect." Zoe said.

She came into the room with two glasses of white and a glass of red.

"I am so excited to be here!" Heidi said.

"We're so happy you're here!" Evan said.

"This is gonna be the best Thanksgiving EVERRRRRR!" Mallory yelled, running into the room.

"You're right. It is." Heidi said.

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